January 2024 recap

Welcome to the January 2024 :incoming_envelope: newsletter from the Spaghetti Western Database, your regular newsletter of what happened last month in the world of European westerns.

How to receive this newsletter automatically: Read instructions here on how to receive this to your inbox or notifications :mailbox_with_mail: newsletter. Contact us if you have any questions or news/rumors/contributions.

:newspaper: NEW STUFF IN AND AROUND THE SWDB IN :spiral_calendar: JANUARY 2024:

:rotating_light: WANTED:

  • We’re still trying to get in touch with the person who ran the Altervista website SPAGHETTI WESTERN DATABASE if anyone knows, please send us a message.
  • We’re also trying to locate our friend from Finland who went by the name of Shobary (with the popular SW website with that title).
    Why? We want to rescue and preserve the remnants of these two websites, like we’re currently doing with A Fistful of Pasta (still a work in progress, the effort is ongoing and will likely be completed before the summer).

:film_strip: New around the SWDb:

:cowboy_hat_face: SWDb 3.0 - so, how far are we?

Last year’s major overhaul of the SWDb is nearing completion. The film pages are done and we’re now working on the last major corner, the books section - all books pages are being updated to a better layout and we are adding more books and more information and more Amazon links. That work was supposed to be completed by the end of January, but we keep finding more books we hadn’t listed, so we’ll take a few weeks longer. If you’re interested in seeing what we’re doing or if you want to join and help, click here to read about it: SWDb 3.0 (our massive 2022/2023 project)

:boom: What’s next in 2024?

(Same text as last month, but just to keep everyone posted) # There’ll be no “3.1” project as there are plenty of open smaller projects (e.g. the locations project, the featurettes project etc). The 3.0 overhaul has brought an increase in quality to the SWDb like none before, ever. However, we’ve also detected a million little places where some house cleaning and improvement are required, and we’ll work on that. This includes more complete coverage of VHS releases and soundtracks, company and box office data, links to helpful articles and interviews all over the internet, and so on. Lastly, there’s some technical improvements overdue for the SWDb, including a better search, which will require time, expertise and likely money, all of which aren’t plentiful. And what would all that be without anyone enjoying it or connecting with each other? That’s why we’ll likely look into more outreach (there’s always a project!) as well.

SWDb :heart: Letterboxd

If you’re a Letterboxd user, we hope you follow the official SWDb Letterboxd HQ account. Click here to learn more about that. For the new year we’ll finally bring more exclusive content to that channel as well. And your reminder: all the revised film pages in the SWDb have a direct link to their respective LB entry and the bottom.

:dvd: Home video news:

In January we had a hand full of interesting releases in Germany, the UK, Spain and Japan. However, the Road to Fort Alamo has not materialized so we’ll move it on up to the next month…

February looks like a bummer so far… maybe “Alamo” can spice it up, or there are some surprise announcements…
But oh boy March is already shaping up, have a looksy…
:calendar: Visit the SWDb home video release calendar

:church: Obituaries

Our head of obits, the spaghettiologist @Tom_B had to update the boot hill cemetery with an unfortunate 8 new obituaries over the course of the last four weeks.
:arrow_right: Check out “Cemetery with crosses”

:balance_scale: Reviews:

Please contact us if you want your reviews published. We are especially looking for reviews of movies that have no, or very few, reviews in the SWDb. We publish them in all languages, and you don’t need to be a professional writer!
:arrow_right: Nato per uccidere Filmkritik - The Spaghetti Western Database
:arrow_right: Born to Kill film review - The Spaghetti Western Database

:moneybag: :dollar: Those of you who feel inclined to donate a dollar or euro or yen or real or whatever, head here. PayPal has improved the donation experience, check it out - and you don’t even need a PayPal account to donate. Also, whenever you shop at Amazon, click on one of the SWDb’s Amazon links first, it doesn’t matter which one and what you buy.

See you next month!