Wild East Productions

That may be so but their releases are packaged way better than most official release companies manage.


So negative! If it werenā€™t for these guys my spaghetti western viewership would be cut in half. Licensed releases or not they put a lot of work into them and Iā€™ve seen a ton of films that I would otherwise have never seen


Donā€™t get me wrong, I never said that I hate them :slight_smile: I actually own most of their releases and Iā€™m always looking for newer ones.


Wild East is taking the initiative since Retrovision was unable to deliver. I hope the quality is good.


Yes, hopefully good quality. The ā€œPecosā€ blu-ray was a disaster.

Hopefully they also release in a normal size dvd-case to match up with the other releases. The Pecos blu-ray sticks out like a sore eye.

ah is that how it was? I thought they did release but only a small number? terrible information policy some of these so-so labels :slight_smile:

RetroVision were meant to release it last June and then nothing happened.

If this is the case I heard nothing, not from website, facebook, or twitter, nor from the man himself, who when I last contacted told me it was being put on hold. Have you found any copies floating around, Seb?

I thought I was the only one who cared about that. :slight_smile:

Carty stopped replying on Facebook. I wanted to know so I could purchase it instantly. He also said there was going to be a Blu-ray of His Name Was King with a documentary that looked pretty interesting.

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both Koch media Pecos look so much better than the blu rayā€¦ I sure wasted my money on that blu ray set.

hahahah :sweat_smile:

WE announced another title, a Peter Lee Lawrence double feature with Gun for 100 Graves and Ride for a Massacre!

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jup, already added to the database. Apparently they sourced an English audio track for it (not included on the Koch disc)

Things look good from Wild West at the moment but itā€™s a pity I already have both films. Itā€™ll be worth it for the English dub but they need to release films without English friendly DVD releases. They should consider another Klaus Kinski double feature or Sartana Does Not Forgive.

Or the big oneā€¦ El fuckinā€™ Puro :crossed_fingers:

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I always thought O Cangaceiro was the big one :wink:

Noticed their ā€˜blu-rayā€™ of Requiem for a Gringo is available for pre-order at a whopping $9.95. Less than a buck more after that. Hmmā€¦ at least Pecos wonā€™t clean up as much this go around.

Iā€™d like to see:

El Puro
The Specialists with the full English dub
Death Sentence with the full English dub
The Beast (maybe as a double bill with Black Killer since my DVD could use an upgrade)
Carambola double feature (I have a weird taste, I know)
Taste of Death
Sartana Does Not Forgive
Dakota Joe
Dead Man Ride with the English dub
The Deserter
The second Providence film

To be honest, thereā€™s so many. I wish Arrow or Koch would be able to take the lead with these movies but until then, Wild East is more likely to deliver.

Iā€™m also eager to see Koch or Arrow release Bandidos and Long Days of Vengeance on Blu-ray, as well. Iā€™d also buy another Blu-ray of Vengeance if it had the correct colours. Code Red messes that one up in my opinion.