What is the origin of your pseudonym?

Sounds almost like a modern Robin Hood, except for the “give to the poor”-part. ;D

Another interesting connection here to any other fans of The Dillinger Escape Plan…

One of the hidden messages contained in the Ire Works album art is “JUST LIE DOWN ON THE FLOOR AND KEEP CALM”

The seemingly meaningless coloured blocks found in the cover booklet can be deciphered with either the input box or the coloured blocks on the back cover, which are arranged as the alphabet.

The origin in my name is obvious but when I first joined the forum I went by a different name, “mrchallenge”. I chose this because there is a professional dating coach (Kind of like Will Smith’s character in ‘Hitch’) who calls himself “Doc Love”. He teaches about the concept of “challenge”, which is a sort of mineframe tactic to attract women. I’ve followed his principles for years so I just chose to put Mr. in front of it. There are apparently other “mrchallenge’s” on the internet if you do a google search but I don’t think they have the same origin as me.

I decided to change my name to Col. Mortimer because I saw that many other forum members chose to be named after a SW character so I followed suit.

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ARCH STANTON. A great guy he was! Wish they let him say something :smiley:

Mine is the name of an old US power metal band and it’s the same one i use in other forums as well.

Mine dosen’t have an interesting story, Silence is one of my favorite charachters so I decided to call myself Silence. Years back I used to call myself sven117 in sites.

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A guy in my favourite SW Il Mercenario has the same name! :wink:
I always liked Paco more than El Vasco, Miranda or any other revolutionary in the SW World. :slight_smile:

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I always remember this name even though you changed a while ago.

Mine is from the monologue “Novecento” by Alessandro Baricco which was made into one of my favorite films “La Leggenda del pianista sull’oceano” (“The Legend of 1900”) by Giuseppe Tornatore.

Not to be confused with Bernardo Bertolucci’s film “Novecento”, starring Robert De Niro and Gerard Depardieu, the main character, Danny Boodman T.D. Lemon 1900, is played by Tim Roth who is depicted in this role in my avatar.

Although I’m a different Silence!

Hoover Valentine is a character in a pilot for a cartoon I wrote. Hoover is an intergalactic alien garbage man that resembles a gorilla. He and a buddy named Spuff Vermon(another pseudonym, used by my writing partner, some of you may be familar with) run one of the oldest dump sites in the galaxy. He’s a bit of a stoner and does a really shitty job at keeping his site up to code. He has worked at his site for almost 15 cycles, 1 cycle to him is like a 1000 years to a human. His dump site is on the verge of getting him into some deep shit with his superiors. His site is overgrown and crawling with parasites. He lives on a base located inside the moon. His dump site is Earth, and we are the parasites. It’s a work in progress.

my pseudonym is a big mystery and it remains so even
but origin of my everlasting avatar is Tsutomu Nihei´s manga Blame!

I love Terence Hill, and his character Cat Stevens from the Colizzi trilogy is one of my favorite Spaghetti western protagonists. And well, I have a huge crush on him too :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I have to admit…I’ve wondered if your name stemmed from the fact that you love “Cat Stevens” the movie character or “Cat Stevens” the singer. :laughing:

My name came from the fact that I love Craig Hill in Tonino Valerii’s Taste of Killing and his name was Hank “Lanky” Fellows. The “Gringo” part comes from the fact that I have had Ennio Morricone’s “A Gringo Like Me” worm holed in my brain ever since I first saw Gunfight at Red Sands many years ago. I’ll just be ambling along through life then, out of nowhere, I start singing:

:notes:Keep your hand on your gun.
:notes:Don’t you trust anyone.
:notes:There’s just one kind of man that you can trust,
:notes:That’s a dead man, or A Gringo Like Me

Hence, the name. :smile:


Sounds like you have seen enough Spags to make a top 20, and I think that could be an interesting one, quite different from others maybe. I would like to see that.


I’m surprized she hasn’t done one yet. :smirk:

Quick Draw McGraw was the inspiration behind mine, and the fact that its a cool term associated with the genre.


The best pseudonime!

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Meceita is the name of the main character (John Phillip Law) in Death Rides a Horse. It was the first non Leone spaghetti western I saw and I loved it!


@Meceita I think Death Rides a Horse was the first Spaghetti western I saw. Bill Meceita is still one of my favorite Spagh protagonists


Nice to see somebody else who likes him a lot. People tend say he’s wooden but I’ve said before I think Law’s on-screen presence is great…it’s his dubbing that’s poor (in English anyway). He comes across as both an enigmatic gunslinger yet a young man haunted by his past well when he’s not talking. I’ve seen a couple of scenes in Italian and he’s miles better, but the annoying thing is then you don’t have Van Cleef doing his own dub.

I got my pseudonym from Gemma’s character in The Price of Power by the way.