šŸ¤— Welcome to the SWDb Community!

donā€™t let yourself get schooled :smiley:


Welcome! Glad to have you here.


Oh, who let him in?!? :slightly_smiling_face:

Great to have you aboard this train, amigo. Lots of lovely people here. More movie knowledge in this modest group than anywhere else on this continent.

Make sure you peruse the SWDB Essential Top 20, and if youā€™ve any questions let me know and Iā€™ll pester @Phil_H with them at 3am until he wants to strangle me.

COYI! :hammer_and_pick:


the giallo is coming back, I knew it


Welcome aboard @Skyehammer, glad to have you here!

@last.caress is one of many of the guys here I consider a good friend, so I know youā€™re a gent for sure :smiley:

Thereā€™s lots to enjoy here and plenty of nice fellas to help you out with whatever you want to know and ask.


Thanks , Makesthemovie , very kind of you to say so - Last Caress is a lovely man , brilliant with words , a real talent in fact .


Cheers , mate -
I tried posting on ā€™ The Last western You Watched ā€™ thread started by your good self but I couldnā€™t figure it out - do you have to go through some Initiation Ceremony first or something ?

Thanks , Gringo , very kind of you .

There are no ā€œpagesā€ to any of the threads here. Every thread runs all the way from the original post at the top of the thread all the way down to the most recent post at the bottom. At the bottom, just beyond the most recent post, youā€™ll see a ā€œReplyā€ button. Thatā€™s the button youā€™re after, in order to post to that thread.

Something like this:


Thereā€™s also a ā€œSandboxā€ thread somewhere, where you can just post any old nonsense and press all the buttons, to have a practice:

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Letā€™s not get carried away


Hello !

Ok, i will try to not use a translator for all my words. Go ewo, remember your english lessons. Haha.
Iā€™m French, cinema lover, and specially attracted by Europeanā€™s Westerns. I mean, Italianā€™s Westerns, essentially. Since many years. Thanks dad, who introduce Sergio Leoneā€™s movies in my life. Iā€™m sure iā€™m not the only one here, haha.

Iā€™m a collector of physical releases sinces many years too. But since the two last years, iā€™m trying to help my collection to grow up with westerns movies, and nices boxes.

All started with Django in UHD from Arrow. I realized that iā€™m a westernā€™s fan but that i havenā€™t manies of them on blu-ray and DVD. So i decided to change this. Itā€™s everything clear at this point ? Sorry if my english is not pleasant to read.

I have sent few mails to Sebastian about french releases, some months ago. I have take the decision to create an account today. I think iā€™m not gona come here every days, but iā€™m gona do my best to trying to discuss with the membres about what we like : westerns and their physical releases.

Wow, iā€™m thinking about that i have not yet traduced my post at this moment. Please wait, iā€™m gona do thisā€¦

(Translation checking)

Okay. Seems good. Haha. Happy to join this forumā€¦



Bonjour Amigo, happy to have you aboard. Thereā€™s lots to enjoy here, and tons of great people to help you with recommendations and any questions you have.

Welcome to the web site!

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Welcome @ewo !

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Howdy, ewoā€¦ :cowboy_hat_face:

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Thx :slight_smile:

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Hi, just joined. Excited to mingle with you Western fans. I happen to have made a Western, although Iā€™m not Italian and it wasnā€™t shot in Italy, lol. Vengeance Trail (2006) released in Blockbuster and Walmart, but itā€™s due a second audience. So, I have digitally enhanced it and have just released the new trailer. Hope youā€™re as excited to see it as I am to rerelease it. https://youtu.be/KbZFO_V3GV0


Welcome to the ā€˜SWDBā€™, ianmeyre. Lots of fun to be had, great folk to meet and chat with, and plenty of opportunity to voice your own opinionsā€¦ :cowboy_hat_face:


Welcome aboard!

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Thank you. Iā€™ll be looking around.