Top 10 Spaghetti Western Actors

When I think of “top ten,” I don’t necessarily just think of the best actors. I also think of who contributed the most to the genre, the most recognizable faces, etc. Clint really got it going, but I would say Van Cleef surpassed him. He went on to star in many other roles.
I believe the contribution of Gian Maria Volonté is underappreciated, especially his performance in A Bullet for the General. Klaus Kinski is huge and shows tremendous range throughout his films. Thomas Milian is another mainstay, and I’d go so far as to include minor but frequently appearing guys who’s mere presence had a dramatic effect on films, guys like Aldo Sambrell and Mario Brega.

  1. Van Cleef
  2. Franco Nero
  3. Clint Eastwood
  4. Thomas Milian
  5. Gian Maria Volonté
  6. Klaus Kinski
  7. Eli Wallach
  8. Luigi Pistilli
  9. Aldo Sambrell
  10. Mario Brega

Nice to see Luigi Pistilli and Aldo Sambrell on your list :).

Phil, I considered the same thing, but just felt their limited performances were so impactful to the genre I couldn’t leave them off. I see your point, though.

I see yours too Jack. It certainly was a dilemma for me whether to leave them in or take them out.
I also agree with your ‘minor but frequently appearing’ guys. For me, these supporting faces are part and parcel of my affection for the genre to the point where their appearance can make a film for me. Pistilli and Sambrell are definitely in that category.


I agree with not including Clint, but Eli had prominent roles in the SW’s he acted in.
TGTBTU, Ace High , Long Live Your Death & The White , The Yellow, The Black.

  1. Gian Maria Volonte

Hail to the king! He made only four spaghetti westerns, but he was outstanding in all of them! He did great job as villain in first two Leone westerns. In “Face to face” he steals show as Professor. I love the way how he is changing into a criminal mastermind. In “A bullet for the general” he played role of likeable mexican bandit much better than Milian. That’s something!

  1. Franco Nero

Genius! He is amazing in all Corbucci movies. His characters are always cool, fast and good looking. I adore him as hippie Keoma too. This guy rocks!

  1. Lee van Cleef

He had amazing face. LvC was a perfect example how should a tough guy look. Yeah, he was definitely made for the roles in westerns. Great as older mentor and even better as bad guy. Shame he made some crap westerns like “God’s gun” or “Return of Sabata”, but I still love him.

  1. William Berger

“Sabata” is one of my favorites westerns and Banjo is one of my favorites characters. I can’t imagine this movie without him! His roles in “Face to face”, “If you meet Sartana…”, “No room to die” and “Keoma” are also wonderful. Only “Sartana in the Valley of Death” is completely disaster.

  1. Tomas Milian

Great actor! I love him especially in… all DVD extras! He always makes me laugh :slight_smile:

  1. Gianni Garko

Gianni is true legend of spaghetti genre. I think I don’t need to write anything else.

  1. Clint Eastwood

The father of all spaghetti heroes and only actor who wants less lines.

  1. Klaus Kinski

I don’t like him as a person, but he was such a great actor. No one can play madmans like him! His role in “Great Silent” makes my flesh creep. He is brilliant also in small roles like Santo or crazy member of Indio’s gang.

  1. Terence Hill

Great in serious westerns and the same in comedy western. Fantastic actor!

  1. George Hilton

I love him in “They Call Me Hallelujah”. It’s enough for tenth place :slight_smile:

[quote=“Lindberg, post:11, topic:721”]Hmm ok, Keitel has already been in a western, I didn’t know that, my question was puerly hypothetical :D[/quote]harvey keitel was also in the 1979 boring british made western “eagle’s wing” with martin sheen and sam waterston.

  1. Tony Anthony
  2. Lee Van Cleef
  3. Eli Wallach
  4. Franco Nero
  5. Tomas Milian
  6. Gianni Garko
  7. Lloyd battista
  8. Terence Hill
  9. Bud Spencer
  10. George Hilton

1. Lee van Cleef
2. Eli Wallach
3. Jean-Louis Trintignant
4. Clint Eastwood
5. Franco Nero
6. Tomas Milian
7. Gian Maria Volonte
8. William Berger
9. Klaus Kinski
10. Claudia Cardinale

Doesn’t Cardinale qualify as an actress instead of an actor?

^ I don’t know… in my world, the word “actor” is gender-neutral.

That makes sense but we SPW fans usually connect the word actor to tough dirty and fowl killers not lovely beautiful women.

^Hmmm, ok, then I’ll replace her with Giuliano Gemma or Jack Palance.

I would have left Claudia Cardinale in myself.

  1. Clint Eastwood
  2. Guiliano Gemma
  3. Franco Nero
  4. Lee Van Cleef
  5. Anthony Steffen
  6. Tomas Milian
  7. Fabio Testi
  8. Peter Lee Lawrence
  9. Richard Harrison
  10. Klaus Kinski

you mean you would have left yourself in cardinale: :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. Tomas Milian
  2. Fernando Sancho
  3. Anthony Steffen
  4. Franco Nero
  5. Guiliano Gemma
  6. Klaus Kinski
  7. Aldo Sambrell
  8. George Hilton
  9. Terence Hill
  10. George Eastman

Hard to choose… I’ll think of it a while.

gianni garko
lee van cleef
clint eastwood
william berger
aldo sambrell
horst frank
anthony steffen
george hilton
franco nero
fernando sancho

[quote=“sartana1968, post:79, topic:721”]gianni garko
lee van cleef
clint eastwood
william berger
aldo sambrell
horst frank
anthony steffen
george hilton
franco nero
fernando sancho[/quote]
How come you don’t mention some actors such as terence hill, jean louis trintignant, george eastman or leonard mann and peter martel?