They Call Me Trinity / Lo chiamavano Trinità … (Enzo Barboni, 1970)

On the one hand, I can’t say that I care for the comedy western. In principle, at least. The grimness, the character, the grit, tension and violence is what attracts me to the Spags or the revisionist westerns over the John Ford-type of Golden-Age American western, not the slapstick. On the other hand, how many comedy westerns have I seen? Carry On… Cowboy, Blazing Saddles, My Name is Nobody, And now They Call Me Trinity. And what can I say? I like them all. This was a really good film; simple tale, well told. Tiny ragtag band stand up for defenseless group being hounded off of their land whilst cracking one-liners and plotting to steal a bunch of horses. I see now that The A-Team basically stole their weekly plot structure from They Call Me Trinity (apart from the horse-theft bit, possibly) ;D. Not as out-and-out ridiculous as Carry On Cowboy, They Call Me Trinity is nonetheless more farcical than the superior My Name is Nobody, although Terence Hill’s gurning is a lot less irritating in this picture (and although he’s very good in this smiling “fool” role, I still think he’s better when he plays it straight a la Django, Prepare a Coffin). A shame that the whole thing ended in a rather silly mass fist-fight but that aside, I liked it a lot.

Sergio Leone has told:
“this was a weak movie like 100 other SW before this…
when i was watching this in sinema the people was laughing and i was wondering…”

If Leone had understood what he watched he wouldn’t have wondered …

He has told:
“First i suspect to my mind…
how a sane man can laugh at this nonsense?!”

I’m not a fan of this one, but the wife and father-in-law like it a lot. Go figure. ::slight_smile:

Long queues in Valencia, at the doors of the Cine Rialto when They Call me Trinity was screened in Spain.

My reaction to it after the first viewing: Harmless “family film.” Some laughs (when the villain says “oh, I hate children” I did a bit of a Lasky laugh) , but absolutely NO IDEA why it was so huge. Really, I think “harmless” is the perfect word. Still interested in seeing the sequel - I hear it’s funnier.

I found a video of Annibale playing and singing the theme on an Italian radio station. He’s still got a pretty good singing voice after all these years.


Very nice!! Thanks for sharing!

No problem! I thought it was a pretty neat find, it’s too bad Annibale sang solo for only three western films though, as he sings beautifully, and also manages to do it in English with near perfect pronunciation!

I also found another shorter video of him singing the song with his family recording him, it’s pretty neat to see a legend at home (even if he does forget some of the words here)!

I’ve seen, maybe, up to 100 SWs and for some reason I’ve never seen this. I supposed the comedies don’t really appeal to me.

I’ve attempted to watch it lately and I can’t get through it, it is just boring… it does have funny moments and it is inoffensive but it seems to be going nowhere and repetitive. Less than an hour in and it should be over by now!

It is along way from My Name Is Nobody, which I really like.

I’ve seen around 180, but not this one either!

I love Trinity! I remember when ITV4 did a season of spaghetti westerns. I saw them in this order:
Django Kill (the first non-Leone I ever saw and got me hooked. I had missed Django the week before).
Texas Adios
A Bullet for the General
My Name is Nobody
They Call Me Trinity
The Grand Duel

I got into Trinity late I mean last year! I used to hate the comedy entries in the genre. This was on my worst of list, now it’s a top 20!!

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I find find My Name is Nobody funnier, but this film never fails to make me crave a plate of fagioli.


In parts of film I think you are right.

Terence Hill and Bud Spencer ( Girotti and Pedersoli) were a match made in Heaven…

I fell in love with them, after watching ‘Trinity is still My Name’, BBC2, 1979 . My immediate thought was Laurel and Hardy, in ‘Spaghetti’ mode. :smiley:

Have to say that they were equally adept at playing the ‘straight guy’ roles…God Forgives, I Don’t’, ‘Boot Hill’, and ‘Aces High’ being prime examples.

I couldn’t help but like these guys.

Aces High what a movie!!
I like Boot Hill too. I have not seen God Forgives yet.

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You are missing out on a great ‘bad-guy’ performance by the excellent Frank Wolff…
Happy days, amigo…

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