The Return of Ringo / Il ritorno di Ringo (Duccio Tessari, 1965)

Always gladdens my heart to see a new fan for this great film :slight_smile:

Have you seen all of Gemmaā€™s SW performances?

[quote=ā€œDillinger, post:42, topic:1509ā€]Have you seen all of Gemmaā€™s SW performances?[/quote]NO, mr Dillinger i havenā€™t, sorry i should have put so far. seen a lot though, i like his films in general.

Iā€™d probably agree about it being Gemmaā€™s best performance in the genre - he gets to display a greater range here, not just his sardonic side - although his turn in California pushes it close.

Ringo is great, and Gemma as well, but prefer California. I think Gemma is not really a good actor and the role of the returning Ringo sometimes seems a bit too much for him. He doesnā€™t always convince me as a broken character.

California is also a kind of broken character, but here Gemma is a bit older, a bit more experienced both as a man and as an actor.

My second favourite role of Gemma is Arizona Colt. Here he doesnā€™t have to act much, he can use all his good attributes as a sunnyboy and stuntman.

Return of Ringo is a great movie carried by a wonderful score

But Arizona Colt is Gemmas best in my opinion

This character was tailored for the young Gemma and he played it great

i would agree California is a good film especially for a later SW and Gemma is good in that, and i also like Arizonia Colt, but i think Return Of Ringo edges it for his best performance.

I feel California pales in comparison to Return Of Ringo but Gemmaā€™s performance is not the reason. Itā€™s one of the saving graces for me.

No doubt in my mind that Return of Ringo is Gemmaā€™s best film. But as far as his own performance goes California could just pinch it. Difficult for me to be impartial on this. RoR is a particular favourite of mine.

Iā€™m just not that impressed with California as a movie but I enjoy watching Gemma in all his movies. Californiaā€™s mellow drama doesnā€™t grab me like RORā€™s. Caliā€™ does have itā€™s great scenes though.


I agree with Phil H, Return of Ringo it`s Gemmas Best SW.
I just love these comming back from the war, revenge stories
in a SW.
This is my top five Gemma Films:

  1. Return of Ringo 2. Wanted 3. California 4. Arizona Colt 5. Days of Vengeance


ā€¦like in California :wink:

Saw Return of Ringo recently on the new Koch Media disc, last time was over 10 years ago on a bad quality vhs tape.

Honestly didnā€™t remember that much about it, but I think I found it not particularly good the last time.

Liked it much better now and I agree that itā€™s definitely one of the better SWs out there.

Others have complained about the herbs and that Gemma becomes a florist. But the herbs are obviosly to make the stuff to dye his hair.

And he goes undercover at a Piripero-type characterā€™s place, not a coffin maker this time, but a florist. Everybody still knew the real Ringo was an Army officer, so I donā€™t see anything silly about this.

The overall look and feel of the film was very spaghettiesque, the semi-ghost town, the church bell, the wind blowing all the time etc. Bit like Fistful of Dollars.

And of course Morriconeā€™s score was top-notch and perfect for the film.

I only found the final shoot-out didnā€™t match the rest of the film, which was a pity really.

Needless to say ROR is not as violent and nihilistic as many other SWs, but itā€™s nevertheless a well-made and very fine example of the early stage of the SW genre.

;D .

Whatā€™s your point Ennioo ?

Thats what I thought but I couldnā€™t help wondering why the bartender asked the indian for herbs ā€œfor a sick friendā€. Why would you need to go to an indian to buy herbs that dye your hair for a sick man?

Ok, this isnā€™t explained, but maybe the herbs were originally used to cure something?

But they used it instead for another purpose?

Anyway I donā€™t think this matters, and itā€™s a cool scene when the guy visits the indian, so I donā€™t care if itā€™s a bit strange

I found it funny.

So you had a good laugh? :wink:

I sure did :wink: .