Great that Ennio Morricone who was 79 yesterday is still doing film scores …congradulations !
I was fortunate to see him perform last winter in NYC. Man what a show. Yeah it wasn’t all spaghetti western material but it was first rate from start to finish.
Great stuff…I am jealous…
This MONTENEGRO version FOR ME is the ABSOLUTE GREATEST and I say that as a fan
of Ennio Morricone and his wonderful artistic work.
Montenegro’s version is MELODIC , EVOCATIVE , POP GREAT & UNBEATABLE 4 me.
Looks like Morricone is doing a concert …in Brazil I think ???.
Here is a famous Morricone western theme featuring a; kettle, alarm clock and shaver amongst other things:
One of my soundtrack friends has just sent me C.D’s of the concert Morricone performed in Belfast last week, and have to say Morricone is still on top form.
Themes included are; The Sicilian Clan, Love Circle, the last four Leone directed films, The Mission and many more!
I mentioned in another thread that Christopher Frayling had done an interview with Morricone to be aired on BBC Radio 4 soon and that I’d pass on details when I got them. Well, It was on yesterday and I missed it >:(
However, thanks to the world of modern technology we now live in the BBC has a ‘listen again’ option for most stuff they broadcast. So here’s the link:
is it still possible to hear this?
went to the site but couldn’t pull it.
I suspect you are too late.
This was posted almost 5 months ago
no archive?
Couple of years old but interesting nonetheless:
Ennio Morricone: “Don’t call them Spaghetti Westerns” [url][/url]
Yes! Ennio Morricone to get star on Hollywood Boulevard! Finally!
Pre-order links for Morricone 60 (
- The Man with the Harmonica (from Once Upon a Time in the West)
- The Fortress (from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)
- The Good the Bad and the Ugly – Main theme (from the film)
- Jill’s Theme (from Once Upon a Time in the West)
- A Fistful of Dynamite (from the film with the same name)
- The Ecstasy of Gold (from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)
- Gabriel’s Oboe (from The Mission)
- Falls (from The Mission)
- On Earth as it is in Heaven (from The Mission)
- Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
- Abolisson (from Quemada)
- Chi Mai
- H2S
- Metti una Sera a Cena (from the film)
- Croce d’Amore (from Metti una Sera a Cena)
- Deborah’s Theme (from Once Upon a Time in America)
- Stage Coach to Red Rock (from The Hateful Eight)
- Bestiality (from The Hateful Eight)
UK Pre-order teases a pre-release artwork and that it might actually be a CD plus DVD set
CD-only version
Wasn’t sure if this has been discussed anywhere before, but is there a version of Il triello with Clint’s gunshot at the end? Everytime I listen to it I always anticipate hearing Clint’s gun going off.
Has anyone had a chance to see this?
New article
Morricone is looking good for his age.
19 posts were split to a new topic: Ennio - Il maestro (Tornatore, 2021)
The Sound of the Spaghetti West: Ennio Morricone, Quentin Tarantino, and The Hateful Eight