Yesterday I bought 10 VHS tapes from a video store for 2,50 euros, mainly eighties stuff like 976-Evil, Sorority House Massacre, Christmas Evil and Manhunter. Also a ouple of Tinto Brass movies. The first of the batch I watched was Timestalkers. It’s a scifi-western featuring Klaus Kinski, who plays a time travelling dude from the future. He kills some scientist in the future (2586) and then goes back to 1886 to kill the guy who was president then. In that timeframe a picture of him was shot where he carries a gun from 1980. Meanwhile, in 1986, a professor who is obsessed with wild west memorabilia gets a hold of that picture, and discovers there’s something wrong with it. He sees it as proof of the possibility of time travel, which it is and he write a thesis about it. Next thing you know he is visited by a woman from the future, the daughter of the murdered scientist. The professor and the woman head back to 1886 to stop Kinski’s diabolical plans… Ahem. Well, fact is that Timestalkers is not a good film in terms of production values, acting etc. The effects are horrible. The western action and the gunplay aren’t that good either. The plot is way too contrived and contains a lot of time errors. It just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Yet, somehow this movie managed to entertain me. The movie was the most interesting when set in 1886. It was a lot of fun to watch Kinski, even though his acting wasn’t that good. Still he was the best of the cast. Oh yeah, James Avery, the ‘father’ of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, is also in the movie. The most fun however, was when I looked up the movie on the internet and discovered that second hand tapes of it are being sold for $49 ;D Anyway, I was wondering if anybody else has seen this movie.
Right now, of the same batch, I’m in the middle of Catlow, a western with Yul Brynner based on a Louis L’Amour novel, which was shot in Almeria. Looks like a fun movie. Brynner plays a cow and woman stealing guy. Some people want him dead…
I had an film konvent this saturday and I think I bought 24 new spaghetti westerns on DVD.
Yesterday the first one had the fortune to be placed in the DVD recorder.
The movie I watched was Son of Django.
[quote=“Hellbender, post:902, topic:141”]I had an film konvent this saturday and I think I bought 24 new spaghetti westerns on DVD.
Yesterday the first one had the fortune to be placed in the DVD recorder.
The movie I watched was Son of Django.[/quote]what did you get?
It’s the german X Rated version, and I had an Film konvent this saturday and had a couple of videosellers on place. So I bought it from them. I might should mention that I live in Sweden.
Watched Killer Calibro 32 last night… Enjoyable western with a thrilling plot, Peter Lee Lawrence looking as cool as ever. Recommended.
‘Captain Apache’
I don’t think it’s as bad as its reputation but still not very good !!! It tries hard to be spaghetti like but it doesn’t work !!!
LvC as an Indian ;D ! When he brakes into song everything’s over
!!! Well it is more speaking than singing of course (at the end he actually really sings a few lines, hillarious) !!!
The story is lame, even though you don’t know what it’s all about until the very end.
It’s unusual anyhow, an Indian as an officer of the U.S. Army !? They occasionally call him ‘Redass’ !!!
The women aren’t bad though !!!
The Grand Duel, never can get enough Lee Van Cleef.
I hear you on that score! (except maybe for Captain Apache and Bad Man’s River!!!)
I haven’t seen Captain Apache yet… is it bad?
Well it’s not good. I love Van Cleef…but everyone has a bad day i guess… But don’t let me put you off. You may like it. Each to their own!
Hang 'em high. It was good, clearly spaghetti influenced, but i feel it could have been better considering the idea and topic of this movie. There were few interesting things about this one. First of all villains were portrayed in a way that seems like a prelude to ‘unforgiven’. Another interesting thing: when the movie begins there’s this spaghetti feeling and the music is spaghetti-like, then there’s a fragment that resembles us-westerns more and the music is more like from us western. Then both feeling and music switches back. Interesting
Seraphim Falls
-Pierce Brosnan, Liam Neeson
Three years after the Civil War, A former Confederate officer(Neeson) leads a posse into the snowy wilderness on the trail of an ex-Union soldier(Brosnan)to get revenge for a wartime horror.
Good acting, decent action and a good story. I enjoyed this movie
White Comanche
I have heard a lot about this film over the years but had never actually got around to seeing it until last night. What can I say. It’s one of those films that by it’s shere awfulness helps you to identify better what it is about other films that you like.
For instance, the score in this movie is so inappropriate and ill matched to the genre that it is a constant annoyance rather than a successful mood generator. Who thought jazz was a good idea in a western? I love jazz and I love westerns but they are a poisonous combination.
Also, William Shatner makes about as believable a Western anti hero as Lee Van Cleef would a kindergarten teacher. Any close ups of his face showed him looking more like an overweight puppy than a mean eyed desperado.
And on top of all that the script and direction were lame and unimaginative.
Pretty much everything you want from a spaghetti western is absent from this film. It’s a master class in how not to make one. But in a strange way it’s worth watching just so you can appreciate the great works of Leone, Corbucci, Sollima, Petroni et al even more. Plus you get to see Shatner overact in a way that only he can.
Just watched ‘River of No Return’ with the family.
Not much of a story really with very dated special effects as they shoot the rapids but Holy Moly, Marilyn Monroe looked good in this film.
During the afternoon i watched “Taste Of Killing”. I knew i was going to like this one just from the opening credits! Hadn’t seen any westerns with Craig Hill before but thought he did a good job as the very cynical bounty hunter, plus the film did offer a slight twist on the usual bounty hunter theme, with him following stagecoaches and waiting for them to be robbed! I just wish that when i bought this one, that i’d known SPO released an Italian language version…(then again it is pretty expensive). It’s also a pity that the soundtrack isn’t available. Loved that theme song!
And i also watched “Revenge Of The Resurrected” with Peter Lee Lawrence. It’s fairly light on action but still interesting. Lawrence is the only survivor of an attack on a stagecoach, and uses his artistic skills to track down the killers by remembering particular details of their clothing/guns/spurs etc. He also turns them against each other by leaving accusatory notes pinned up around the town. There are a few red herrings thrown in too, making it a little harder to guess who everyone is. I only have this one on dvd-r, and though it’s decent quality, i wish someone would get round to releasing it properly.
[quote=“Silver, post:915, topic:141”]During the afternoon i watched “Taste Of Killing”. I knew i was going to like this one just from the opening credits! Hadn’t seen any westerns with Craig Hill before but thought he did a good job as the very cynical bounty hunter, plus the film did offer a slight twist on the usual bounty hunter theme, with him following stagecoaches and waiting for them to be robbed! I just wish that when i bought this one, that i’d known SPO released an Italian language version…(then again it is pretty expensive). It’s also a pity that the soundtrack isn’t available. Loved that theme song!
And i also watched “Revenge Of The Resurrected” with Peter Lee Lawrence. It’s fairly light on action but still interesting. Lawrence is the only survivor of an attack on a stagecoach, and uses his artistic skills to track down the killers by remembering particular details of their clothing/guns/spurs etc. He also turns them against each other by leaving accusatory notes pinned up around the town. There are a few red herrings thrown in too, making it a little harder to guess who everyone is. I only have this one on dvd-r, and though it’s decent quality, i wish someone would get round to releasing it properly.[/quote]
Yes, I recently watched TASTE OF KILLING for the first time aswell!
I have only seen CRAIG HILL in one other western, which is I WANT HIM DEAD.
Do you remember the old T.V show called Whirlybirds ?, HILL was in this.
Nice seeing the bank from FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE.
I visited a spaghetti western site (cannot remember which one), and they have the main theme music for TASTE OF KILLING, and is currently stored on my windows media player, great theme like you say.
Nico Fidenco has done some really great music.
I will let you know when I find the site again.
[quote=“ENNIOO, post:916, topic:141”]Yes, I recently watched TASTE OF KILLING for the first time aswell!
I have only seen CRAIG HILL in one other western, which is I WANT HIM DEAD.
Do you remember the old T.V show called Whirlybirds ?, HILL was in this.
Nice seeing the bank from FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE.
I visited a spaghetti western site (cannot remember which one), and they have the main theme music for TASTE OF KILLING, and is currently stored on my windows media player, great theme like you say.
Nico Fidenco has done some really great music.
I will let you know when I find the site again.[/quote]
Thanks…i’d be very interested to know which site it is. There is part of it on Shobary’s site, but not the whole thing.
Slightly off the topic, but ages ago, someone mentioned in passing that you can isolate music from dvd’s and convert it to music files on the computer. Anyone know if this is true? And how would you actually go about doing it?
Watched Death at Owell Rock (aka La Morte non conta i dollari) last night… An ok spaghetti with Mark Damon in the leading role… And once again with a small part for Ignazio Spalla (aka Pedro Sanchez) who seems to be popping up in all the spaghetti westerns I watch recently. Recommended.
‘Ciakmul, l’uomo della vendetta’
- nice story
- nice action
- good actors
- music doesn’t fit (sounds like comedy but thank God this is no comedy)
- overall: above average
Once upon a time in the West
-once again! Perfect!