The Guess a Movie Screenshot Thread


Yes, it is!

Thanks, Bill.

This one has a 60s pulp adventure magazine feel and total exploitation-movie title as well. The dancing still below gives you more of the feel location-wise. It’s not a Bonnie & Clyde style gangster movie like the first still may wrongly indicate.


○ A band named an album after this movie(although the movie has had at least 2 other names over the years).
○ The country where this movie was filmed has the same initials as the basic genre of the band mentioned above.
○ The director was not born in the Twentieth Century.
○ An illegal crop is cultivated(part of the plot) on the location of this movie, which is not exactly where it was filmed.
○ The title relates partially to the location of the movie and the crop mentioned above but neither precisely.
○ This is an American produced film.

Redacted movie poster added.


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It looks like a dopie Bruce Bennett in that clip.

The Fiend of Dope Island


You got it, Lone Gringo!

According to online reviewer Phillip López Jiménez regarding 1000 On The Black:

The film is violent, grungy and Shakespearean. I love how Garko’s Sartana sadistically uses a bullwhip like Bruce Bennett in the film Fiend of Dope Island.

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Thanks, Massimo…Forgot the whipping scene with Garko in 1000 On the Black, it’s due for a rewatch.

Anyways, here’s another Island (Romance) flick with a good cast.


‘Island in the Sun’ ?

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Yep! was an easy one.

Your up aldo.

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Here’s another easy one … easy if ya know it! :laughing:

Ok … does this help - he’s in everything, it seems :thinking:

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That’s not cems w/o :latin_cross: ?

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Absolutely … and very good example of western style txt messaging :grinning:

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I always thought he looked like Bruce Springsteen.

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Now you mention it, yeah … Bruce’s criminal brother, Ivan Staccioli :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

For someone who has been in so many SW’s, Ivan Staccioli is conspicuously absent from Wikipedia’s listings of 157 SW actors.

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I may just have to pop in my Cems w/o Crosses blu ray now


This is from what some refer to as a neo-noir:

52 Pick Up?

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Yes, but I would have also accepted Cinquantadue Pick Up. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: