Talk Whatever

It’s been taken down cause there is a massive error with the fourth film of the set missing subtitles for 2/3 of it’s runtime. Arrow have made the set unavailable in the meantime til they fix it.


Oh dear. Replacement disc program incoming, I presume.

That is a nice link…thanks for providing it…but I think they are doing themselves a disservice by not having that information on the page for the product itself. Although it has changed now, last night on the U.S. Arrow, it only said that it was “Sold Out” on the Coffin Joe page but now it says:

Inside The Mind Of Coffin Joe Limited Edition Blu-ray | Arrow Video US

Ultimately, they are only hurting their own sales by presenting it in this fashion.

That is a pretty big error. :laughing: I can understand the delay now. Can you imagine the meltdown if they hadn’t caught that? :grimacing:


I mean, they didn’t catch it. Mine has already arrived lmao. It was only after people pointed it out to arrows customer service that they took it off sale. Another Arrow QC blunder I’m afraid.

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Oh! My mistake. The U.S. Arrow release wasn’t supposed to come out until yesterday - at least that was the date for the U.S. release that Amazon had. When did you get yours? Have they indicated whether or not they are going to do replacement discs?

Yeah, their QC really has tanked.

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Have they communicated this anywhere?

Ah lucky for you fellas. Mine dispatched I think last Friday so it’s only recently they must’ve stopped them.

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Just a note to say that I maybe offline for a while, hopefully not … my PC is on it’s last legs, about to join the choir invisible, etc :woozy_face:

I’ve had this machine for over 10 years, so I suppose that makes it a dinosaur in tech terms … mechanically speaking everything seems ok, but it’s been crashing more frequently, so I may have to go back to factory settings … a major pain in the ass, but what’s interesting/disturbing, is that windows OS keep trying to send updates for a a now defunct system, which in effect fucks up the PC completely … nice of them. Their advice … upgrade to Windows 11, which undoubtedly comes with plenty of ‘bugs’ to screw up that system when they want us to next upgrade.

I have been wrestling with these problems for a few years now … I dismantled Windows updates … and for the last 10 months had no problems - but for the last few days it’s taking forever to load, or it just freezes completely.

Enough of my worries - just added in this in case someone was trying to get in touch, and it looked like I couldn’t be arsed replying :wink:

That’s all … as you were!


Don’t know if you will even get to read this, Aldo…but I hope you get things sorted sooner rather than later. It’s a bugger being without a computer for any length of time… :+1: :wink:

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If you want to get your old machine back up to speed (and, admittedly, experience a whole new set of inevitable pain in the ass moments as a trade-off), you could install one of the more user-friendly flavours of Linux as your new OS.


good thing the SWdb and this forum work fantastic on a phone or tablet, too, if you have one. Fingers crossed for this machine or success in getting hands on a new one.


Thanks guys … good suggestion re- Linux.

Hopefully there’s still some life in the old bugger … making a few adjusts which have helped temporarily, but I won’t jinx it (like Sacramento) by saying it’s fixed just yet. :wink:



been living/working with that for almost 20 years with minor interruptions. Never looked back (my choice is Ubuntu)

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Yup, I’m using it since 2008, I believe, and never went back to Windows, currently on Xubuntu.

You just have to accept that some things are more complicated (while others are much easier) when you come in as a Windows veteran. It’s a different OS, so don’t expect it to work exactly like Windows, or you’ll be disappointed. :wink:

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which would be a horror :smiley:


Did some snow drawings. It’s so cold out. A bit unusual around here parts.


these look pretty darn cool, amigo


Thanks. Have to admit, I am not good at drawing stuff.


Silenzio would have been fitting. Next time!