Talk Whatever

The other day I realized there’s a The Wages of Fear remake coming up on Netflix… and now you have that information too and you can partake in the misery of knowing this :wink:

Two months later, still online. Shows how reliable information on IMDb is … :roll_eyes:

can a few more folks please report it as a fake?

Has anyone else seen those pathetic ‘ads’ on ‘Yahoo’ (written by the mutant cast from ‘The Hills Have Eyes’) telling you about the ‘sad/tragic life and end’ of a celebrity etc…sheer misleading dross!

So, I’ve decided to do my own…

Kharis (pictured below) was once the hottest celebrity in Egypt. He had it all…slaves, pyramids, riches, cats, eunuchs, pickling pots and afterlife agreement.
His scarabs were the talk of the town.


However,in the past few years, life has dealt the once-proud Kharis an unlucky hand.

Below: He used to live here, and hosted hundreds of celebrity bashes and bandage-swapping parties…

Now he lives here…

At one time, Kharis was signed up to appear in ‘Carry on Mummy, Darling’, alongside chat-show host, Larry Grayson (pic below), but fate intervened - as did a swarm of locusts and flies.

The glory days and holes are now a thing of the past. The once sought-after deity, worshipped by the multitude, has now been reduced to having his newspaper read to him by a faithful servant (see below).

The press has recently reported that Kharis is now so wrapped up in himself, that he has even refused to appear on ‘Fez and Dec’…(below)

A sad, tragic, depressing, maudlin’ end indeed for a star who, at one time, was reputed to be the new host of ‘Strictly Come Dancing’…

Before his fall from fandom.


Our thoughts are with him…


Seven inches of snow last night with another three to five on the way and 30 mph winds to boot. The schools are closed and the town is essentially shut down but that’s okay because we drove to the supermarket last night. The horses have been fed and are all tucked in their shed.

I believe it is a perfect day for a The Great Silence and A Taste of Death double feature. :smiley:


That looks like a pretty great version of A Taste of Death, what you got there?

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A screen shot off the internet. My copy doesn’t look nearly that nice…unfortunately. It is the old Sinister Cinema release which doesn’t look anywhere this nice.

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Yeah, same as me. Its not great but at least its something.

Got my hopes up. Oh well.


Ugh, my external hard drive that I had nearly 2 terabytes of films on has just decided today is the day its gonna stop working and die. Had a lot of hard-to-find Spags on it which is very annoying. My fault for not upgrading to an SSD but lesson learnt I guess.


can you bring it somewhere to restore the data? it’s amazing what can be restored from these disks

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Possibly. Although I think the actual hardware itself is kaput. Can’t even reformat it. Think I’ll just take the loss and rebuild the collection, this time with an SSD.


That is a bummer, amigo. You have my sincere sympathy but I am sure you will rebuild it even bigger and better than before.


Aww, that sucks. May I ask which films were on it, or is the question indiscreet?


Couldn’t name em all off the top of my head, but I had a lot of non-HD Spags and Eurocrimes from various dvd or TV rips that I hadn’t gotten around to yet. Funnily enough I found out it had broken as I was about to watch A Few Dollars for Django, which I got from a slightly dodgy Russian torrent site and was titled Drango instead of Django :rofl:

A lot were also from Rarelust, which has an amazing selection but makes it almost impossible to download it’s films without a stupidly priced subscription to uncap your download speeds. Without it, it takes days to download just one film if the file is in multiple parts.


a fiu rubel for drango


Sorry to hear about your hard drive, Max. That must be frustrating :frowning:


Fantastic mockup!

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The Arrow problems appear to be continuing.


I pre-ordered the Coffin Joe set back in November and it was supposed to be here tomorrow. When I checked Amazon earlier today, it was suddenly pushed back to February 17th. But, now, it has changed again to February 4th and it is no longer available to order directly from Amazon…it goes to an alternate seller’s page.

If you go to Arrow, it is no longer available to order there either. It says it is sold out.

I would really like to know what in the green gravy is going on over there.


It’s not sold out, just out of stock.

Check limited edition availability here where it says that it will be “Back soon”. Was the same deal with the Savage Guns box set for a short while:

I do wonder if they are prioritising HMV here though. Savage Guns was available in their shops and on their website when not on Amazon and Arrow.

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