Spagvemberfest 2022 - the legend continues

Spagvember Fest Day 20

Una Nuvola di Polvere… un Grido di Morte…. Arriva Sartana

One of many rewatches. Day 4 and the last day of the Sartana Sequels Weekend ends with a nice bang. The great Sartana finds himself dealing with multiple scoundrels looking for $500,000 in gold that was meant to finance another revolution in Mexico. That Sartana doesn’t trust any of them, including his friend who claimed he was framed makes things even more interesting.

Gianni Garko is at his most playful and fun in his farewell to the exceptional Sartana character, and still finds time to dispense justice as only Sartana can. His right hand man, the ornate cigarette lighter Alfie is just as fun as Sartana himself, and Garko uses the prop to great effect.

A great rogue’s gallery including the alluring and seductive Nieves Navarro, Piero Lulli, Jose Jaspe, Frank Brana, and Massimo Serato all help make Sartana’s search all the more interesting and intriguing. It’s not who you can’t trust with them, it’s who’s deadlier.

Arrow does it one more time with another great restoration.


Day 20: Hey, Amigo!..A Toast to Your Death (1970) w/Wade Preston and Marco Zuanelli. A.K.A. Hey, Amigo!..Rest in Peace. Preston plays what I assumed to be the sheriff of a town that is held hostage by bandits. The bandits then intercept a gold shipment on an incoming stagecoach. Then, after the robbery the sheriff gets the gold back and gets his good name back after killing the bandits. Zuanelli plays a Mexican transient, called Loco, who helps Preston after the latter buys him a bottle of tequila. Zuanelli brings a little two-dimensionality to an otherwise one-dimensional filone. But, even he became annoying after awhile. Rating: 1.5/5.


Just got my EM release of Arizona Colt, beautiful looking package… can’t wait to rewatch!!!


Spagvemberfest 2022

Day 18

Starblack (Grimaldi / 1966)

Entertaining in a strictly Saturday Matinee serial kind of way but the transfer on the Colosseo Blu is stunning. Makes you wish some much better films could get the same grade A treatment.


Day 21

Sabata (1969)

Ehi amico… c’è Sabata, hai chiuso! - The Spaghetti Western Database (

A re-watch that doesn’t need much said about it except that the Eureka release is very nicely done. I can actually remember watching this one for the first time when it came on TV when I was probably something like a pre-teen. The fact that I can remember watching it shows how much it resonated with me at a time when I was still reading comic books and Doc Savage pulp novels. It is still an enjoyable re-watch to this day.


DAY 21:

Il mio corpo per un poker (1968) - Director: Lina Wertmüller - 3/10

A tolerable romance western with a bit of an artificial storyline. While it is hard to qualify the material as anything particularly good, the differing touch renders the composition intriguing and albeit kind of contrived, the utilization of flashbacks diversifies the flow of the narrative to some extent, distinguishing it from scores of spaghetti westerns by reason of some character elaboration and nonlinearity alone. With that being said, only some of it works and despite aiming for an epic atmosphere, the motion picture exhibits rather anaemic direction, lackluster visual style, narrative indifference and conspicuously falls short of its lofty goals.

It also appears to be structurally disjointed in virtue of its flashbacks lasting for as long as half an hour in total and preponderating over the present time of the story, thus following the retrospections feels like viewing a movie within a movie so to speak. At the very least, it undoubtedly constitutes something different and is a bit of a curiosity for that reason alone. Nonetheless, that quality alone cannot make up for the fact that a large portion of the narration feels quite garbled, pretentious and eventually gets bogged down by its overambitious aspirations. You can definitely give it a shot out of pure curiosity if you are a completist and have to see it all, but it’s nothing essential by any stretch of the imagination.


#16 Vari: A Hole in the Forehead
-a film which I mostly remember for it’s music. Many beutiful pieces of music in this one, I remeber when I first started collecting spaghetti westerns and didn’t have many titles yet I had this cd collection with music from various films and Hole in the Forehead was one of my favorites. Film itself is good too 7/10.


DAY 21

Two-thirds of the way through, already?? Bloody hell. Time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? Not sure mrs.caress would agree of course, but bollocks. She should learn to embrace the grace of these Shooty Beauties. Anyway, my daughter drew no.5 from my Spag drum which means I’m heading into the home straight with Day of Anger (Valerii, 1967), a personal top favourite of mine with LVC in some of his villainously best form and Giuliano Gemma showing every other actor who ever took the “pupil” role in one of these types of film just exactly how it’s done.


Spagvember Fest Day 21

Uno Dopo l’Altro'altro

Rewatch. Like with Asa aka @last.caress, I too find this little SW entertaining. It’s a little bit of a slow burner that has a good payoff at the end, and while it drags just a little, it’s not a deterrent to the film. Like with the first Sartana film, we already know who the guilty party is, it’s more of a cat and mouse game as the protagonist filters out the parties responsible for the crime.

Richard Harrison plays well slightly against type as a gunman who wears glasses and dresses more like an Easterner rather than a cowboy. The move pays off as his enemies underestimate his abilities, and find out quickly he’s tough as nails.

Jose Manuel Martin & Jose Bodalo make for good contrasting villains. Martin’s Espartero is a bandit and makes no qualms about it, but he possesses a certain code of ethics and conduct that he doesn’t divert from. Bodalo’s Jefferson is a snake hiding behind a skin of respectability, who’d probably betray his own mother if given the chance.

The only downer with the Colosseo DVD from Germany is very small sections of the Italian audio were lost or unusable and English is in their place, but it’s not annoying and didn’t take me out of the enjoyment of the film.


Day 19 - Killer Caliber 32


Or, is it Killer Calibre 32?

Or, is it 32 Caliber Killer?

Or, Killer Calibro 32 in Italy!?

Don’t get me started on whether or not there should be a period before 32.


Spagvemberfest 2022

Day 19

Black Jack (Baldanello / 1968)

And the second half of the Woods double bill was this one which, again, looks terrific in this Colosseo Bluray release. Woods has talked often about following direction in terms of over-egging the madness and it is the one weakness of the film I think. But apart from that, definitely one of Woods’ best.


Spagvemberfest 2022

Day 20

A Man Called Sledge (Morrow / 1970)

Still playing catch up and working through recent Bluray pick ups and I have to say the quality of German releases I’ve been watching over the past few days has been excellent. This one is Austrian or Swiss or somesuch (Explosive Media) but is also first rate. And nice to see it on a proper release full stop. I don’t believe it even got a DVD release in the UK and don’t understand why. It’s an enjoyable western with a major Hollywood star. You’d think it would be worth it?
Anyhoo, I very much enjoyed revisiting it after quite a while. One of the benefits of Spagvemberfest. :slight_smile:


Day 22

Django, Prepare a Coffin (1968)


This movie features Terrence Hill taking over the (unofficial) Django role after Nero skittered off to Hollywood. This kicked off a trio of spaghetti westerns, followed by Hate Thy Neighbor then The Forgotten Pistolero, from director Ferdinando Baldi that are all extremely entertaining. Then, after a short break from the genre, he returned to make Blindman.

That is a pretty solid streak of spaghetti westerns from a director who preceded these four movies with Little Rita and then followed them up with Carambola. I don’t know if I will ever understand that. :thinking:

It has been quite some time since I watched this one, so it was nice to give it a re-watch.


Spagvemberfest 2022

Day 21

Minnesota Clay (Corbucci / 1964)

Another day, another Explosive Media Bluray release. This one has the happy ending tacked on which I can always do without but apart from that is a pretty solid release of very good early Spaghetti which features a bunch of soon to be Corbucci tropes.


DAY 22:

L’uomo venuto per uccidere (1967) - Director: Leon Klimovsky - 3/10

I didn’t mind this one as much as some people seem to have, that being said, there is no point in gainsaying what has already been stated about the film, it is definitely very American in its overall disposition and completely at a loss for a style distinctive enough to distinguish it from innumerable other works of this kind. I guess it is not so hopeless because it kept my attention throughout, but Klimovsky’s simplistic craftsmanship happens to be on the nugatory side here.

The sentimentality inhering in the storyline, flabby writing and Masi’s old-fashioned score only tend to exacerbate things further and make the film feel at least ten years older than it really is, some of the film’s shootouts are edited in an incredibly cumbersome fashion too. The wimpish attitude of Wyler’s character and the banal redemption arc do not redress the situation either, so what you have here is a pretty mediocre affair with very few redeeming qualities; I suppose it moves at a somewhat steady pace and features some more character elaboration than usual even if is of the corny kind, but in all honesty, do not expect too much, this is strictly pedestrian stuff.

Alleluja e Sartana figli di… Dio (1972) - Director: Mario Siciliano - 2/10

I guess the film is not quite as much of an abject failure as Trinity and Sartana… Those Dirty Sons of Bitches, but why do these movies have to last for as long as over 90 minutes, this being almost 100 minutes long, when it is patently obvious that under no condition should their running time ever exceed the 70 minute mark? This is unacceptable and frankly speaking, should not be allowed under any circumstances. Even at the x1.25 speed the flick seems abnormally protracted and the fact that the storyline retreads most of the familiar ground does not remedy the situation to any extent either.

This is essentially about a couple of miscreants assisting a congregation of Evangelicals to ward off scoundrels who want to lay hands on their land, but in actuality, this farrago boils down to a number of really corny vignettes strung together in a largely nondescript, uncouth fashion. Some jokes sporadically provoke laughter after a fashion, but most simply fall flat and seem to prolong this folderol ad nauseam. All things considered, I suppose this could have turned out worse as evidenced by that other film, but let’s face it, the movie constitutes a substandard comedy fare with not much to offer in the way of a fully-fledged, engaging plot and most of the time, it solely presents a challenge not to space out completely whilst sitting through this dreck.


#17 Stegani: Beyond the Law
-More light hearted fun than usual spaghetti westerns of it’s time. Great cast with LVC, Sabato, Bud Spencer, Lionel Stander and Gordon Mitchell. 7/10


DAY 22

My girl drew no.27 today, and that’s early(ish) classic The Return of Ringo (Tessari, 1965), probably my favourite Giuliano Gemma picture and, I’m pretty sure, the first Gemma movie I saw. Not as mean, stripped and violent as spags would become but not as American-inspired as many of the earliest examples were, The Return of Ringo has a romantic, almost operatic feel to it. I’m not selling it very well but, for my money, it’s a gem; way, way better imho than A Pistol For Ringo and indeed one of the better movies the genre has to offer. Cracking theme song too.

It’s getting hard now. I’ll have a fresh blast of enthusiasm for the last two or three days but this week is always the toughest. The final third of SpagvemberFest always sorts the men from the boys; the hardcore @Phil_H s from the noodle-armed @Admin s. :slightly_smiling_face:


I intend to at least grow some Linguine, back from my vacation now and gonna pop in some Bounty Killer after finishing something else. I am joining the fray!


Reinforcements are definitely needed! :face_with_head_bandage:

Day 20 The price of power
Day 21 3 bullets for Ringo
Day 22 Keoma