Spaghetti Western poll

Favorite-- The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Least-- It Can be done Amigo
Overrated-- Not sure…

No votes for the Big Gundown overrated, nice to see…

The worst one will be Shadow Of Sartana, Shadow Of Your Death then. I don’t think I have to explain why I dislike it.

over rated: NAVAJO JOE

There we have it because that exactly matches MY definition of overrated. If a movie (be it 1 or 100 years old) is called a masterpiece by a great number of people and I kinda think’s it crap (or just not very good) it is overrated in my book. By your definition no classic movie can ever be called overrated. That’s where we started out so I guess that’s OK :slight_smile:

Ah a little challenge then. Say that Titanic 40 years down the line was STILL hailed as a masterpiece. You would then by your own definition be forced to accept its greatness and wouldn’t be able to call it overrated?

I live by the certain knowledge that the majority isn’t always right so I have no problems calling both old and new movies overrated and crap :slight_smile:

We’re almost there, but not quite. If I genuinely think something is crap then, yes, I’d say it was over rated if the general consensus was otherwise. But, to use Citizen Kane as an example again, I don’t for a minute think that film is crap. It just doesn’t grab me the way I know it does others whose opinions I respect. So not over rated in my opinion. Just not my bag.

A fair point, but one as likely to be tested as The Cheeky Girls being hailed 40 years from now as the most influential duo in popular music. However, in the unlikely event that Titanic’s reputation grows to classic proportions based on the merits of its content rather than for its example of how the general public can be duped if sufficient effort and money is spent on hype, I will review my definition of the term over rated.

On that we certainly agree brother.

Fair enough… A matter of temper then. One I can quite understand and respect… Glad to have completely cut out.

LOL… I’ll see you in this topic in 40 years time then… :slight_smile:

Overrated is a film for me if I:

a) I don’t like it

b) other people like it or even praise it

c) I don’t understand how anybody can really praise it

Which brings me back to the beginning of this thread. Silence asked not far an overrated, but for the MOST overrated SW. And I only doubted that the named SW classics are for these members really the MOST overrated SW, not that they think these are overrated.

And to make it clear. I like it when other members call “classics” overrated, and I also have no problem if people hate “classics” (everybody will have his share of “classics” he does not like). Or if others dislike films I really love.

And what the hell is that supposed to mean? Just watch yourself mister… >:( >:(

To come back again to the terms over/underrated. The problem for me is the following. For a movie to fall into either of the two categories, it has to be rated first. But there is no official movie rating institute. Yes there are the oscar and there are film critics. But still its hard to say. So for titanic one can say it has a bit of a high rating because it got lots of oscars and critics liked it(did they really? no idea never seen it completely, anyway). So its somehow easy to apply the over/underated word to them.
But with spaghettis its quite hard. Most of them are so obscure few critics ever bothered to rate them. So are we relying on out own voting? The top 20. Then one could say for example: Django is overrated in the top 20 FOR ME, it does not belong there etc. (not my personal opinion just example)

or to be more personal: I actually think Tepepa is underrated in the top 20 and the overall discussions here. I really like the film…

That is my whole problem with the term.
I try to not use both. To use the word overrated implies that everybody who likes the movie is an idiot and just falls for big names or critic opinions. And underrated implies, iam special and found an obscure movie that i am the only one who have understood it, i.e. i am genius and everybody else is not.
I know a bit too hard, but in general I dislike the terms.
So to come to an end, Tepepa is the most underrated one, hihi

For me, a SW is overrated when:

  1. it is ranked high in the top 20, and has a high imdb rating as well( assuming it has enough votes to make that applicable), and I happen to believe it doesn’t deserve to be rated so high.

  2. People praise it on the forums and imdb user comments

  3. I don’t see what all the fuss is about.

  4. I didn’t like it, or I might’ve liked it but I just don’t like it as much as other people do. Not liking a film and thinking a film is overrated are two different things.

  5. I see some flaws in the film that other people conveniantly gloss over.

[quote=“Col. Douglas Mortimer, post:70, topic:1952”]For me, a SW is overrated when:

  1. it is ranked high in the top 20, and has a high imdb rating as well( assuming it has enough votes to make that applicable), and I happen to believe it doesn’t deserve to be rated so high.

  2. People praise it on the forums and imdb user comments

  3. I don’t see what all the fuss is about.

  4. I didn’t like it, or I might’ve liked it but I just don’t like it as much as other people do. Not liking a film and thinking a film is overrated are two different things.

  5. I see some flaws in the film that other people conveniantly gloss over.[/quote]

Yes what a stupid unnecessary post

Of course there doesn’t have to be an ‘official movie rating institute’

Overrated here means the movie is held in high regard by many, could be by both critics or audience

Like Titanic you mention, or for us the more popular SWs like GBU or OUATITW

But to some persons these films are not that good perhaps, so they are ‘overrated’ to them

Doesn’t mean the people who like them are considered idiots

[quote=“Lindberg, post:72, topic:1952”]Yes what a stupid unnecessary post

Of course there doesn’t have to be an ‘official movie rating institute’

Overrated here means the movie is held in high regard by many, could be by both critics or audience

Like Titanic you mention, or for us the more popular SWs like GBU or OUATITW

But to some persons these films are not that good perhaps, so they are ‘overrated’ to them

Doesn’t mean the people who like them are considered idiots[/quote]
maybe my words were too hard. But for me the words under/overrated have a certain connotation, especially when they are used in internet forums. Like for example:
“Oasis is overrated anyway” in a topic discussing their recent split up. I feel that the author says that to make fun of the people who said stuff like "really sad etc."
or the always popular, “Tarantino is overated”

So how do we define a movie that is held in high regards by many? It is really hard to define it becuase there are many tastes present here. So i think it is pretty hard to define the overall liking of a film here.

anyway, my intention was to show that the use of overrated often creates tension. Maybe it happens in general with strong opinions (I remember the incident of the zero star rating for OUATITW).

I just dont like the terms, thats it.

Of course i see the point. For me cemetery without crosses would be overrated, as i dont get all the fuss about it, many people seem to love it, its in the top 20. I just would not call it overrated. For me overrated implies the rating is wrong, period. But the rating in the top 20 is democratic. So my rating would not be the same, but that means I have a different rating. And not the movie itself is overrated in general. No idea if that makes any sense at all.

I can say i dont understand why so many people like a certain song, movie etc. but saying it is overrated, implies for me that everybody else got it wrong. That is why i dont like it. And i feel its usage always heatens up the discussion.

We don’t have to ‘define’ it, what do you mean? It speaks for itself when a movie is given great critique and have a big audience.

And re the term ‘overrated’, it also doesn’t have to mean the person thinks the movie is absolute crap, just that it’s not quite as good as most people or critics say

[quote=“Lindberg, post:74, topic:1952”]We don’t have to ‘define’ it, what do you mean? It speaks for itself when a movie is given great critique and have a big audience.

And re the term ‘overrated’, it also doesn’t have to mean the person thinks the movie is absolute crap, just that it’s not quite as good as most people or critics say[/quote]
and there is my point. You say most. but that is my problem with it. Sometimes it is easy to spot, but for SW´s its really hard. Which movie besides the leone flics had great critique? So we have to go into detail and go to the forum opinions ofr example. A classic being the great silence, which is quite popular here. If one dislikes the movie can he say its overrated??? he can say its overrated in this forum here.

Well i guess we wont find a common point there. I just dislike the frequent use if the term. But if others dont feel that way, they should still use it, i´ll learn to live with it!

Yes you have a point about knowing which SWs are really held in high regard

But generally I think we know which SWs are considered classics or great

Don’t make this more complicated than it is :wink:

Exactly my point. I voted for GBU as the most overrated but I still don’t think it’s a piece of shit.

Yes, and I also think you should use this term for stuff you’re interested in and know something about

Otherwise we have all these weird definitions of the term

If anyone here considers him/herself a movie fan, there is about as much need to define the therm ‘overrated’ as there is to describe an apple. C’mon folks. Is this really necessary? I think this thread is overrated.

You are completely right.