Spaghetti Western poll

Silence, your intentions were good though.

True words :slight_smile:
In generally SW are underrated. :slight_smile:


When the Idiot is the voice of reason, I would say the thread has gone array.

I would then say that the idiot is therefore underrated :wink:

Well done!

I agree with you here, I…I…Idiot. This thread has been off topic for nearly two pages. Why don’t we just get back to answering the poll questions?

What if an overrated film is in fact underrated?

Funny thing is, we have an underrated thread here (somewhere).

It depends… if many here are saying a specific movie is overrated it could turned into an underrated movie. ::slight_smile:

The thread is ok, keeps the debate going and it’s only among us fans, we don’t have to take it so seriously :wink:

Paco Roman is right though, in general SWs are underrated, but that’s among the mainstream audience of today

Anyway, for me The Big Gundown is somewhat overrated, it seems to be held in very high regard by most fans

But I find it less gripping and well-made than Sollima’s other films, it’s still not crap though :wink:

SW’s are underrated, even the Leone’s. I just feel we’ve been here before (and were getting off topic). I do like BG but it’s not without flaws. As smart, cool & bad ass as LVC is, how could he fall for that snake bite trick? How come after crawling through the desert in the hot sun, shouldn’t he have looked more like Blondie After his parched trek? Not disagreeing with you Lind, I don’t mind where the thread started, just not where it went. It’s not the ‘What’s Your Definition Of Underrated’ thread.