Average is 5/10.
Actually 2/10 (in a better world)
Aldo, I have the Koch disc so I’ve never watched this but I pulled it out to take a look. The picture is pretty typical WE. It has the same opening credits as KOCH so I would think the source is the same. It’s softer and of course interlaced. The English audio sounds fine to me. The above pic is from the KOCH.
Thank you Carlos
Just watched the Wildeast version, … got a reasonably priced copy from ebay.
Wildeast (top) Koch Media (below)
As usual Wildeast have opted for their signature soft-focus look ! Not their worst, but still ,WTF ? The accompanying feature ‘In a Colt’s Shadow’ looks even woollier.
I’d hoped that W.E might have located a reasonable English audio track, perhaps from a 16mm print … but this audio comes from a very noisy VHS source … the dialogue is slightly muffled and the music sounds like it’s going through a flanger pedal, or is having a nervous breakdown … wibbly wobbly etc.
Subtitles fill the gaps for several scenes not dubbed in English, which is much preferable to their more recent and ludicrous home dubbing attempts … ‘Johnny Hamlett’, and ‘The Ugly Ones’, for example.
The dubber has opted to switch to the clean Italian audio track (and once in German) during the non English bits and non dialogue moments - unfortunately there is such a huge gulf between audio quality that this becomes very distracting as it happens multiple times in single scenes. The Italian track is mixed very differently, and has a lot of OTT huffing and puffing during fight scenes, plus other exaggerated sound effects.
One option I’m thinking of doing is downgrading the Italian track to something similar in frequency as the English audio … and then doing a re-mix, as it were.
I like the movie, though it’s nothing special … but it does deserve a little more TLC
Wild East…no effort !, stopped buying their discs a while back now.
Amazing that their OOP titles are going for huge amounts of money, especially when there are much better quality alternatives available.
Yes I agree.
Well. They have become collector’s items and then the quality itself stops being the only factor. I also pick up every single Wild East release. They have been there since dvd took off practically.
I can’t relate to collecting something that is substandard, and Wild East seemingly makes no effort to improve their product.
I don’t know how long you’ve been into spaghetttis but back in the day Wild East releases were the only way to go for specific movies. Still are unless you go for grey area ‘releases’. Wild East is probably also kind of in the grey area though They are collectable either way. Hard to defend collecting anything. Wild East have consistently had great covers though.
The prices of these WE dvds will eventually go down.
I mean you can just register to amazon prime and watch all these films in better quality.
The collector’s value of them will not go down though. Compare them to first editions of books. They didn’t suddenly go down in value when the Kindle was invented
Better physcial releases will have an impact of course but some of these Wild East releases will just always be expensive. Take a look at A Fistful of Trailers and try to explain the price of that
Just remembered, I have a lot of James Bond Warner Bros Clamshell Box VHS tucked away … so that makes me a bit of a hypocrite ! LOL couldn’t bare to throw them out, and the quality is pretty bad pan scan junk, in beautiful packaging.
There is a fine line between collectables and junk
I just watched WEs disc of The Dirty Outlaws the other day which to me looks great, and I don’t know about any other release of that one. Same goes for Pistoleros.
WEs disc of The Dirty Outlaws
I found it unwatchable … perhaps if you’re accustomed to watching VHS, then W.E stuff looks like 4K by comparison
Haha unwatchable?? What’s your to-go version of this one then?
What’s your to-go version of this one then?
I don’t have one - it was the W.E release which I attempted viewing - I assume they have made another mess of transferring a PAL version to NTSC by way of a VHS recorder … that’s how crappy it looks to me.
“Take a look at A Fistful of Trailers and try to explain the price of that”
well there is two types of person:
first the diehard collector which basically pay high price for plastic and cardboard.
second person is the ignorant one who believe wild east is the only company for these type of films.