Once Upon a Time in the West / C’era una volta il West (Sergio Leone, 1968)

just downloaded a rip of the 4k paramount bluray, its so fucking bad lmao, looks like fucking modern day digital CGI slop you find in a disney movie with the DNR and color palette… what the fuck were they thinking??? How would anyone prefer this 2024 version to the 2011 version? I’m so glad I didn’t blindly buy it. I need to get my hands on the 2011 bluray, i think that’s the best version.

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I’m happy enough with my blu-ray, especially since Dario Argento signed it for me when I met him a few years ago.


That’s awesome (if real)! I’m trying to find a copy of that bluray but it seems they’re all gone on amazon :frowning:

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Why the best? It is just HD and it is the same cut as the 4K, albeit it also has the pre-restoration theatrical cut on it. But that as well is just the Paramount cut, and not the version that used to be available in Italy for the most time…

yeah but at least it’s an authentic remaster with no DNR crap, the 4k one looks like a disney CGI movie shot on digital.

If there’s only a few seconds added to the italian cut, it’s likely an insignificant addition. I would still like to see it but I doubt added seconds are going to make a film any better or worse.

there’s plenty of DNR on this old BluRay (you just don’t see it as much because of the low resolution), it reeks of disc authorthing done in years past…

Plus, the Paramount cut is not just a few seconds shorter, the ending is different and the music wrong, that has been the case for all Paramount releases ever since the jump from VHS to DVD or so…

If it has DNR it’s much less heavy as the image still has lots of beautiful grain and just looks natural, the difference between the 2011 and 2024 one is night and day.

the ending is different and the music wrong, that has been the case for all Paramount releases ever
since the jump from VHS to DVD or so…

So that’s the only difference between them? A Slightly different ending with slightly different music?

but the BluRay is only in HD, it’s like comparing apples to oranges. A much more objective comparison would be the 2011 restoration presented in 4K side by side with this new UHD, but we dont have that, or that side by side with a projection of a pristine 35mm print, we dont have that either :slight_smile:

eh resolution isn’t the only factor, you can still compare the image and aesthetics, which are vastly superior in the 2011 version, as i said it’s night and day, when the difference is that massive I don’t think there’s a need to get into the tiny little details, the 4k version is just crap… for people who want the movie to look like a digital disney production.

The 4k version comes with a 1080p bluray version too I believe, so even then, is comparable.

Excellent, Dean! What a great experience that must have been…

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Yes, Dario was very nice, and his English was better than I’d expected. I was probably the only one there to ask about that film, since it was a horror convention. I don’t think he’s done an overseas event since, so it really felt like a once in a lifetime chance.



The fixed the end music?

Nice! Wow, so copious DNR still happens?

Then again, plasma TVs still haven’t made a resurgence.


so far they haven’t, it’s still wrong

Here we go

I watched Once Upon a Time in the West last weekend. I remember watching it back in 1989 or 1990 and didn’t stick with it as l had seen the dollars movies and preferred the pacing and actors involved, Eastwood Van Cleef Volonte, Wallech etc.

However having watched it over the years and most recently, it is top class cinema. Bronson is not a favourite of mine but he is very good in this. They all play their roles well. Pace is slow and scenes are very well constructed. The gang members are good, great closeups and the auction scene is fun. All the scenes are great.

Cheyenne takes a good amount of time to discover he has been shot and to lie down and die. Maybe he didn’t want Jill to know but maybe she could have helped him if the wound was treated earlier. Near the end of the move so it is loose end to tie up.

Some posters above make great points as to why it doesn’t appeal to them but for me it is 5 stars but probably not my number 1 or 2. Brilliant soundtrack and you would want to go to Monument valley after.


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