Once Upon a Time in the West / C’era una volta il West (Sergio Leone, 1968)

some news regarding an Italian release

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I’ve never watched this version.

Me neither, I never bought the Blu.

The new 4K/Blu pack is selling for over £50. I think it’s a waste of money when I bought the DVD for only £0.50.

Oh man fifty bucks seems like a lot for a blu ray. I love Once Upon a Time in the West but I wouldn’t pay that much for it.


It’s ridiculous. This is why I don’t understand snobbish collectors who look down on those who still buy ‘obsolete DVDs.’ They don’t understand that some people have empty bank accounts by the end of a week. If I insisted on only having Blu and 4K discs, I’d have to give up collecting altogether.


Been happy for many years with the quality of my 2 DVD collectors edition of OUATITW that I found at a pawn shop for a dollar. Want to support SW releases as much as I can, but for the money I’m more interested in titles that haven’t had a decent release yet as opposed to rebuying the Leone’s over and over.


There’ll also be an Australia release in August… for the few friends we have on here from down under :slight_smile:

You can still get the US release for under $30 so don’t have to fork out ebay prices just yet :slight_smile: And if you can wait on the non-collector’s edition cheaper yet.

that is what I recommend after having had the thing in my hands. Paramount hasn’t put much love into this. It’s cheap merch, none of it are real collectors items, aside from the poster motive but that one everyone already owns full size… not like the old GBU DVD that came with a booklet and really cool postcards, anyone remember these?

Yep would rather have a company that cared release this. It’s a generic collector’s edition for sure.