Once Upon a Time in the West / C’era una volta il West (Sergio Leone, 1968)

Just triggered my Amazon refund. Wow, what a bunch of criminals

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Seb, I’m sorry to hear that both yourself and Michaelangelo appear to have been scammed… :unamused:

The disc I received from Amazon is fine. I’m happy with the pic. quality, and it’s definitely NOT the 2011 release. My one has the new extra features.

Did you buy yours from a seller on Amazon, or from Amazon itself?

It’s disturbing if there are (as it appears) rip-offs on the Amazon site; or, it could be a genuine simple stupid error on the part of the manufacturers…either way, it’s a bummer for you guys.

from Amazon, sealed and everything.

It will be interesting to see how many other people have the same problem…

What will you do now? Will you just get your money back, and stick with the 2011 release, or try asking for a replacement?

Perhaps a ‘feature’ of the German release only?

Already triggered the Amazon refund and will trop it off at the DHL store later. No fucking around here. We can argue about the quality of the work all we want, that’s one thing, but this is plain scam.

hardly… it’s fraud

I understand :slight_smile: but perhaps only a problem with the German release was what I meant.

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I think that is the case (maybe also other european countries might be affected?).

I will try to get a replacement.

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Netherlands, too, but that was clear because their sticker on the package gave it away that the BluRay had Dutch subtitles :slight_smile:
Anyways, it can’t be on purpose because a) then it isn’t the new restauration and b) then they are advertising extras on the back that aren’t included… Paramount what a shitshow

Here is the Paramount Germany FB post that could serve as a way to communicate to Paramount

This picture


I also BS because the UHD in mine is Black, says “feature film” and has the UK/Ireland age classification stickers (as expected), but it is not white or orange

This was like in GBU, the grave with Arch Stanton, you opened the package an there was nothing in there.


Seems bizarre that they would give the UK releases the new updated disc for the Blu-ray and not any other territories. What a stupid choice.

well at this point we don’t know yet how far reaching this error really is. the main German bluray website has told me they reached out to Paramount for comment


Paramount is saying they are working the problem :))) haha
well maybe they should let someone else take care of their film catalog with more care and love


FWIW, my copy from Amazon UK is exactly as advertised. Maybe it’s a Deutschland issue, I dunno. It’s shit anyway, whatever it is, and I sympathise with you gents. Shouldn’t be this hard to get what you paid for. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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So I will stick with my DVD until a company like Criterion or Arrow can treat it with respect. Surely there will be a genuine “ultimate edition” eventually and then I can finally get it.

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restored from the original 35mm Techniscope camera negative by Paramount, L’Immagine Ritrovata and The Film Foundation” honoring “the 2007 Film Foundation photochemical restoration overseen by Martin Scorsese, matching its build and color palette” (165min extended cut)."

Ok then, what do we really get?

Extended cut is wrong as that would be the 178 min version, and what we here got is the usual theatrical version, only not exactly.
The 2011 Blu featured 2 slightly different versions, the Paramount version with 165:25 min and that “overseen by Martin Scorsese” version with 166:01. The last one added 14 sec of the 70 missing sec in the film’s first 10 minutes, and also had slightly different colors.

I assume the new disc features only one version, not 2, and if it is the one with Scorsese involved, it must feature these 14 extra sec. (And is for that also kinda “extended”, only that both are still not representing the “complete” theatrical version.)
But is that so? What’s the exact runtime of the new disc?

The differences between both versions can be checked here: