New and Upcoming Western Films/Shows

It looks like crap! … a one minute trailer of a film by an internationally known director can’t do better than this !!! … it looks a lot like the dozens of tiny budget vanity project westerns that have been around for the last 15 or 20 years.

Do Ethan and Pascal become lovers !!! LOL oh boy … there’s no agenda here, right! :crazy_face:



Oh, how true! :rofl:

A+ review, got me excited, just dont really get the idea behind shorts… am I supposed to buy this 20min movie on BluRay or what

I´m very sceptical as to this film/short. Also, whatever happened to the FOD remake with Scott Eastwood? Personally, if they use the FOD/Yojimbo/Red Harvest story but set it in something different like medieval Europe, then I would be interested, because the reason FOD worked is because it took a pre-existing story and told it in a compeletely different style and setting. If it is going to be a “Revisionist” western, I´m out.

From what I’ve read online, yes. The new Amodovar film is a variation of ‘Brokeback Mountain’.

No thanks, not for me…I’ll stick with my 45, along with a fistful of reliable, enjoyable SW’s… :cowboy_hat_face:


Easy pass for me too.

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Where is that illustration from? I love it, especially Alex Cox smiling on the wanted poster.


I just got it off the internet, by searching for ‘Spaghetti Western caricatures’…

Thanks man

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Saw this trailer (ironically when looking for a copy of I’ll Kill Him and Return Alone) and thought it looked decent. Liked the guy they got playing the kid at least.


While it’s good to see there are possibly more westerns released now then in the last 50 years or so, most of them don’t appeal to me.

There seem to be mainly two categories. The modern action films in western costumes, complete with fast moving camera, quick cuts, all sorts of VFX, ever bigger action set pieces, endless shootouts and explosions (I’m half expecting the stagecoach that falls down a cliff and explodes). And then there’s the meditative western. Great landscapes with empty souls with blank stares into the distance, accompanied by music that moves like molasses. 1883 had basically 8 hours of filming characters trying to cope with all the desolation that was the west, together with a depressed orchestra on valium.

I haven’t seen all the newer westerns, but today I listened to some of the soundtracks of films I haven’t watched yet. They also consist almost exclusively of this elegiac type of score, so I expect the films also to be centered around life just being miserable.

Even better films like Open Range have this mood, this theme. People in the vast wilderness contemplating in silence, then uttering short philosophical truisms.

Why does the western has to be this place of numb suffering nowadays? Where are the cynicism, the irony, the treasure hunt, the greedy land owner, the freedom fighter, the bounty hunter, the vitality… where is the adventure?

Sorry, I’m old and looking for escapism. :wink:


maybe been told too many times :slight_smile:

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I did, too, this week and it’s not that bad. Good camerawork and acting, it just looks a bit on the cheap side…

I came across this and found a few things of interest though, for the most part, it is a bit disappointing on the whole as the majority of the more interesting shows and films are “in development” or were and have kind of fallen off the radar. Plus, some of the projects they consider westerns are a bit suspect as well. A few things peaked my interest though.

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Coincidentally I watched this as well earlier today. Lots of remakes and sequals. Why not trying to be more original.
Even talk about a tv adaptation of “a fistful of dollars”

Very clickbaity video… better to just have an eye out generally what is announced, very few westerns generally, and then mostly VOD/straight to netflix type stuff. I wish more stuff would have the scale and quality of 1883 say, or The Keeping Room.

Absolutely, but I hadn’t heard about the Costner project which could be interesting. A second season of Lawmen is intriguing as well.

For me personally, I like to keep an eye on every bit of information I can find…which is one of the reasons I spend so much time here. :wink:

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