New and Upcoming Western Films/Shows

Finally caught up with Lawman - Bass Reeves (based upon the real life exploits of the first African-American deputy U.S. Marshal west of the Mississippi River).

Would recommend. Well scripted and acted, by the producer of modern Western, Hell or High Water - which I also thoroughly enjoyed.


Have you watched Wind River, which was also written by Taylor Sheridan? It is worth the watch as well.


I am addicted to that film and a mild crush on Liz Olsen :wink:


Went to see it when it was shown in Vienna in 2018. Liked it a lot, great film.


Thanks for the suggestion. Will look out for it.


Very good call … one of the best of recent years - watched it about 4 or 5 times now.




I watched this recently because I got a free month from the streaming service it’s on here in my country. It looks beautiful, the locations are stunning, especially considering it was filmed in Spain, standing in for Nebraska and Wyoming this time!
There were great moments in every episode, and the music is decent too, for a change.
However, there were cringeworthy scenes in every episode as well. While I didn’t find it as irritating as 1886, it did kinda drag for me.

But don’t panic, it’s just that I don’t enjoy watching westerns in which every single character is seriously traumatised or insane in one way or another. It may work for me in a 100-minute film, but in a mini-series it gets a little tiresome once I’m 3 or 4 hours in.
Plus, everything seemed to me so over the top. The badness of the baddies, the disfigurement of the ill and mistreated, the impossibility on many levels of the impossible love, and so on. It was a bit ridiculous at times.

I should also add that so far I haven’t seen the final 13 minutes or so. I didn’t know the final episode was quite a bit longer than all the others, so I couldn’t finish it in time before the football (soccer) started. Where’s that play at 1.x speed function when you need it? :rofl:

I’m sure, though, many of you would enjoy it.


I agree with you here … it’s one of those stories that makes you wonder how anyone managed to survive at all in these times and locations … I’d just stay in bed and wait for someone to invent anti-depressants


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we’re talking about Lawman: Bass Reeves?

No, “The English”.

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ah, looking forward to that one

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Peter Dinklage p@#sed me off a while back with a comment he made on something I will not go into here, but I’m dying to see Juliette Lewis as a badass bad girl.

Ok seems to be aweful (but also seen some positive reactions)

A crypto western? Wtf
Actually doesn’t look bad at all.