Mercenario DVD Release Special

Just received The Mercenary Koch DVD

Quickly checked image & audio quality

Good but not outstanding; they apparently used the same source material as the Italians for the Mondo Home disc
However, the bitrate is higher, resulting in more vivid colours, even though there’s still this ‘veil’ Sebastian was talking about in his review. They also clearly filtered the image - a thing I don’t like - resulting in some softness and that infamous ‘plastic’ look of faces etc. This might be more visible on LCD or Plasma TVs than on classic tubes (yes, those flatscreens do have their shortcomings)

Nero’s voice gave me quite a shock on the English soundtrack; for a moment I thought I was listening to Turkish or Urdu, or some other language I’m completely unfamiliar with, but it turned out to be English after all. Did Nero do his own lines in English? Or was he given an odd accent to make him sound Polish?

Sorry, but the difference between the Koch-image and the image of the Mondo-DVD is like day and night. When I watched the Mondo-DVD I sometimes thought it is sourced from a VHS.

Its Neros voice in the english dub.

but it’s his voice. what bugs me is paco’s voice, which sounds too much like nero’s :slight_smile:

The Mondo Home isn’t great, and the Koch is much better, but Mondo sourced from VHS?

After some time in the freezer, my Italian disc works again, if not wholeheartedly
Here’s a comparison, Mondo Home first, Koch second:



the mondo does look horrible :wink:

The different colors of the jacket are a bit shocking

Yes, it’s far from great. But if you watch it, you think it’s quite acceptable, only when you actually compare it (f.i. with the help of screenshots) to the Koch, you notice how awful the image is. It’s like watching the entire movie through a veil, or with sunglasses, whatever. Then again: I was used to it, and I love my old Mondo Home disc

[quote=“scherpschutter, post:65, topic:2164”]Here’s a comparison, Mondo Home first, Koch second:

And here’s the Japanese ‘Stingray’ version of the same shot, for further comparison…

[quote=“Reverend Danite, post:69, topic:2164”]And here’s the Japanese ‘Stingray’ version of the same shot, for further comparison…


The Koch one seems not to be bad…


haha schnaeppchenjaeger aufgepasst!

Ein Optimist.

Dem Mann hängt die DVD wohl sehr am Herzen und er trennt sich von ihr nur mit Schmerzen :slight_smile: :wink:

Vielleicht ein Sammlerstück? Ist es die SWDB Gewinn-DVD?

Könnte sein ! Wobei ich denke der Verkäufer sammelt wohl eher Euros statt DVD’s. :slight_smile:

Oder er ist schlicht und einfach der schlechteste Verkäufer in der Geschichte des amazon marketplace.

fuer eine hand voll euros mehr

Wer hat, der hat. Manche haben’S einfach nicht nötig, ihr Zeugs schnell+billig zu verkaufen. Die lehnen sich dann bequem zurück und warten, bis wer ihren Preis bezahlt.

Der Teufel sch***t immer auf den größten Haufen, Freunde.

Die wahrheit ist wohl, das es eher ein Versehen war. 20 € wäre allerdings auch schon gewagt.