I Just Bought … (the SW Shopping Diary)

Will you make a comparison review against the Kino one?

My idea was to attempt to at least compare the picture, but I lack a second player to easily switch back and forth… I will see what I can do.

Hate is my God on blu-ray.

JUST KIDDING! The soundtrack will hold me over until then. A lavish release for such an obscure film. Some interesting stuff here, so I thought I’d share.


As a conservationist, it’s good to see recycled artwork on the movie poster … Looks a bit like Gianni Garko in profile and George Hilton scrambling about near those cactus plants.


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Wow that is lavish indeed. I think the wait for the blu-ray might be the longest wait ever for disc. Why even announce it if you know you are over a decade out from putting it out. Honestly I will still will only believe it when I see it in my hands lol.

Same. Little to no updates in 10 years, but still claiming that it’s going to happen, is rather asinine.

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The exact running time of the Blu-ray is 101 minutes, according to its sleeve. (I have not yet had the chance to play it.)

It is most interesting! Thank you, Dean!

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101:17 Min says schnittberichte

You’re welcome. To be honest, outside of the title theme and its variations, the score is atrocious to listen to. It’s just nice to own something official.

Italian DVDs


Just got through ebay, Koch Media dvd releases of Anthony Steffen in Shango and Arizona Colt Returns… Sadly without English subtitles, as the seller said they had… But nice enough prints

Both dvds do indeed have English subtitles. May not figure in the menu itself but try and find them via the remote subtitles button. They are there :slight_smile:


That was from me. They do have English subs, as @AvatarDK says.

why rely on seller information if you know of the existence of the SWDb, I dont get it, we’re not doing this for shits and giggles :wink:


My bad, yeah thanks for the heads up, I found the English subtitles on both discs

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New addition to my VHS collection!


Nice find!

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I’m preparing for spaghvember and got this from Arrow sale.


I’ve bought this too, along with the first box set. It was like 85 euro in total… Will be like 100 after import tax. A good deal for what you get. I’ve paid 90 euro to get a single film before (Day of Anger, its hard to find and it’s one of my favs), so it’s nice to get a good deal for once.