I Just Bought … (the SW Shopping Diary)

Received all 7 releases in Koch Media’s (Plaion Pictures) Ritter Sport collection of spaghetti westerns and damn they are the nicest looking collection series they’ve done yet. Never was a big fan of the Rainbow Series or the Westerns Unchained one. The movies yes, the look of the releases no but now they seem to have cracked the code. Like the compact format and the covers. 7 thumbs up.


Yes, it’s a beautiful edition.
I bought 6 of the 7 (no Tramplers for me), more than I need. I actually should have stayed with Hossein, De Martino and Carnimeo, but it’s nice to have the other 3 as well.

it is the one I ordered, I don’t like gaps :slight_smile: however I have put gaps into previous koch collections each time i replaced a DVD with a bluray…

And I was thinking about buying that one too, but I don’t want to buy films I already have in satisfying quality, this permanently replacing of discs is dumb but sometimes also fun to do.

So I did it all wrong by ordering one too little or 3 too much …

Actually, the only one I really wanted was Une corde, un colt. The Buio Omega DVD has also a nice (and expensive) package, but terrible picture quality on a larger screen. One of the few now really unwatchable DVDs.

I too pulled the trigger and order 2 of these beautiful sets. Now that I received them I kind of regret not getting all of them but like Stanton said, I just can’t replace the fine versions that I already have.

Love the Super 8 square box design :grimacing:

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Yeah, I too considered going for more because of how nice the two I already have are, but I’m satisfied with the versions I already have of the other five in the run. They’ll definitely have me interested again if they come out with some titles I need better copies of.

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Laban.…an excellent trio of SWs there, amigo…enjoy! :cowboy_hat_face:

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Also bought a South African Companeros poster off eBay.


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a lousy release if you ask me, but those looking for nothing more than a way to watch the original theatrical (German) version should be fine. Quality isn’t much…

I just realised I have the Swedish DVD laying around somewhere…need to find it.

and then you need to check if the information on that DVD is correct in the database :slight_smile:

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I already owned the Explosive Media release, but Arrow is my favorite label. This one is hard to find, so I couldn’t resist when a second hand came available on AmazonUK.


And I still haven’t been able to sell mine.

I see there are a few available on eBay, but for me it was too expensive to ship to The Netherlands. The US edition was easier to find but has the wrong region code for me.

TGtBatU. I also saw OUaTitW in the shelf, but didn’t buy it :sweat_smile: That would be a great Christmas present for Papa though


wasn’t even in the database, fixing it now

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