I Just Bought … (the SW Shopping Diary)

Just ordered God Forgives. I’ll pick up the others when I get the chance since I actually like Buddy Goes West.


Never seen that one.


Does the German bluray of Long Live Your Death have an English audio? The Spanish bluray did not.


So, just to be clear, the German “Zwei wilde Companeros - Limitiert auf 666 Stück - Platinum Cult Edition - Uncut & HD Remastered (+ DVD) [Blu-ray]” is what we’re talking about?
And it’s not just the DVD that has English Audio, but also the BluRay?

the spanish blu ray is 115 minutes… and blu-ray.com says the german blu ray is so I believe it’s the same.

by the way what does platinum cult edition means anyway… it’s just some random cool words :slight_smile:

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Yes, random cool words. But it helps us to be certain we are talking about the same thing

Hmm, there’s a quite negative review on Amazon about the picture quality.

Anybody here bought it?

I have it and I haven’t opened it yet. I would have liked the option of watching the shorter version in HD. I think there’s only English on the longer cut

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I also have it but never opened it so far, but I would urge those who have, to let us know about the validity of the information about it in the SWDb so we can adjust the info there accordingly

Arrived today. I’m hoping to get a look at it later tonight.

EDIT Well, it’s a slight picture quality upgrade on my Today It’s Me… Tomorrow It’s You! Dutch FilmWorks DVD. It’s not a definitive remaster by any means but it’s better. English audio only, subs in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish. No extras.

If you don’t own Today We Kill… Tomorrow We Die! at all I’d say it’s a must-buy purely on the strength of the movie which imho is a definite top 20 spag. If you already own a DVD I’d recommend you have a think about just how much you love this film and let that guide you as to how worth it it is for a slight picture quality upgrade. I love the film as I say so, for me, I’m glad I bought it.

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Got these today. Mostly sw but some other goodies too.


What language is the GBU? Finnish? Swedish?

Finnish. Good patch of sw discs for a finn as all those have finnish subtitles.

I would love to hear the man with no name speak Finnish.

That would be funny. But only the children stuff is dubbed in Finland, all the rest is subtitled.

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Shame that. I have heard MWNN in German, which was cool.

Looking forward to seeing Bill San Antonio himself review the God Forgives blu-ray.


It might just be me but I didn’t think the Blu-ray of God Forgives was much better than the Dutch DVD. Great for people who missed out on the DVD though. I need to pick up the other two Blu-rays. I imagine Buddy Goes West will be an improvement over the US DVD, which had dreadful sound quality.