I Just Bought … (the SW Shopping Diary)

Also got the 2 remaining Arrows.
Can’t wait to hear how good the award winning Keoma score sounds on this new disc.


I remember paying quite dearly back in the days this set came out.

Too bad Arrow didn’t feature the fabulous documentary; "KEOMA SOUNDTRACK - Writing a masterpiece as extras

Joke aside. No blu ray in the world can save you from this shitty soundtrack. The worst thing about it is that you more or less need a priest to get it out of you’re head “KEEEEOOOOMAAAA”


If that woman’s voice was any higher it would tear a hole in the stratosphere.

And the guy’s gurgling vocals sound like a toilet bowl being flushed.

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Hey! Cut it out!


Yep. It has dropped in price. I bought my first set back in the day for 35 euro which is really still a bargain. Sold it along with most of my movies and then bought a new copy ‘recently’ for half that price.

I like the soundtrack personally. I did hate it when I first saw the film because it was a bit of a shock but now I can’t imagine the film without it. It’s pretty unique and creates the atmosphere for Keoma.


The music itself is great.
I imagine the film would be held in much higher regard if it was entirely instrumental.

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Keoma instrumental

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I don’t really post stuff that I buy since I’m pretty sure most people don’t give a shit but…

I got ordered 5 Artus blu ray this week.

-W Django

-Days of Violence

-The Ugly Ones

-A Stranger in Town

-The Return of Ringo

These discs are so expensive to import.


I give a shit. I’m always interested in what you fellas are buying. I’ve bought a fair few bits and pieces myself based on what I’ve seen on this thread; titles I might have missed, or not realised had a decent blu-ray release etc.

Those are some terrific-looking purchases you’ve made there BTW kevenz. :+1:


I likewise use threads like this for inspiration for future purchase. Would love to get those Artus releases but do not speak neither Italian nor French :frowning:


I need to get Lo Voglio Morto and Johnny Yuma blu ray… how much did it cost to import these from amazon japan ?

I found the YouTube channel for these japanese blu ray:

I imported them to the UK.
Johnny Yuma was ¥1,647 which translated to £11.55
(now it’s ¥2,027)

Lo Voglio Morto was ¥2,254 which translated to around £17 (now it’s ¥2,700)

Shipping & Handling on two discs was £9.94
Import Fees on two discs was: £9.77

Bill for Lo Voglio Morto alone:

Item Subtotal: ¥ 2,254
Shipping & Handling: ¥ 650
Import Fees Deposit: ¥ 581
Order Total: ¥ 3,485
(GBP 26.66)
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Very nice! I pre-ordered Viva Django and Fury in Missouri last month, I’m either getting them July 30th, or they’re being shipped out that day. I had pre-ordered A Dollar Between the Teeth and Price of a Man too, but they took a little longer to get to the US because they got lost in transit somewhere in between.

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I can only presume that this is the greatest film ever made, so I’m glad to finally own it.

My first Sinister Cinema disc aswell.

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I downloaded an English dub of this and got it to sync up perfectly with the blu ray. Now I’m adding subs so I can watch it in English or Italian.

Not sure this particular movie merits the effort, but I wanted to experiment and it’s good for my Italian. :grinning:

What’s the quality like? There’s a letterboxed version in the Echo Bridge bargain sets.

I wish Arrow would do this one in a region free disc with Tony Anthony’s input. I wouldn’t trust Kino to do it.