I Just Bought … (the SW Shopping Diary)

I finally ordered this after having it on my wishlist for about a year. I think I actually prefer this cut with the ‘happy ending’ more than the original cut. I look forward to hearing Alex Cox’s commentary.


Two more from the Arrow 2 for 1 sale :grinning:

An all time top 10 classic …

… and an excuse to look at the Almeria desert! - not one of my fav’s, but maybe I’ll grow to love it in HD :wink:


Came over these to for a fairly nice price!


I just ordered them as well. :smiley: I also ordered six American westerns.

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Watched ‘Texas, Adios’ last night … it was definitely more enjoyable than on previous occasions - the fistfights (fists and feet) are absolutely brutal … brilliant choreography and stunt work.
One thing that was irritating to me, the amount of extreme close ups which were out of focus … i’m looking at you, Enzo Barboni! The rest of the photography is good, though not especially inspired. Also, I don’t think there’s enough story to fill it’s 90 minute running time… or perhaps characters weren’t developed enough, like Luigi Pistilli as the rebellious lawyer, or Eliza Montes as potential love interest.

Overall, it’s worth seeing again in this edition - plus the interviews with Nero and Dell Acqua are interesting … the interview with the screenwriter, Franco Rossetti is intolerable ! … Come to the fucking point, old man! LOL :grinning: … and for me, the academic appreciation by Austin Fisher is also a bore.

Picture quality is overall stunning, though there are maybe 3 or 4 incidences of water damage to the print / negative - but it’s not too distracting.


My Arrow purchase finally arrived. These are the SW I bought:


Johnny Yuma, Viva Django!, I Want Him Dead, California.
The first two purchased a while back, the others just received. Interesting how the Japanese have stolen a march on these obscure titles. Top rate transfers, all but Viva Django include English and Italian dubs.
Licensed by Rewind Films, Rome, published by Visual Culture, Japan.


I just have ordered Death Sentence which seems to have a fair chance of reaching a by me required 7 out of 10 rating, judging only from others comments in its forum thread. Death%20Sentence


But isn’t the Koch DVD better than the Japanese Blu? The only Japanese Blu I have is Johnny Yuma and I can confirm that it is a very good transfer. I have found it impossible to buy from Amazon Japan, so I don’t know how UK buyers are supposed to import them for a reasonable price.

Did you get these releases from Amazon Japan Piripero? Blu Ray.com said that Johnny Yuma had English audio only, but does it have the Italian audio option too?

‘Death Sentence’, is certainly top 20 for many - Only problem with the DVD is watching the Italian dub with English subs which are based on the German audio … so, when the main character, named ‘Cash’ is being addressed, the subtitle refers to him as ‘Django’

I strongly recommend the special feature on director Mario Lanfranchi, who speaks good English and is really funny and eccentric … some of his facts are a little off, but he’s so charming, it’s all forgivable. He also does an audio commentary which I have listened to at least 5 or 6 times.

I think you’ll enjoy this one very much :slight_smile:

Thanks aldo, I look forward to watch it maybe later this week if it will be delivered on schedule.

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Yes - sorry, you are quite right. Neither Johnny Yuma or California include the Italian dub.

So the specs are -
Johnny Yuma:
DTS - HD MA Stereo English
DTS Stereo English
LPC Stereo English
Japanese subtitles

A Man Called Django!:
DTS - HD Stereo Italian
DTS Stereo Italian
DD Stereo Italian
Japanese subtitles

I Want Him Dead:
DTS - HD MA Stereo English
DTS Stereo English
DD Stereo English
DD Stereo Italian
Japanese subtitles
Includes English and Italian trailers

DTS - HD MA Stereo English
DTS Stereo English
DD Stereo English
DD Stereo Japanese
Japanese subtitles
Includes English trailer

I haven’t seen the Koch DVD of California to compare, but although the Japanese disc image has a misty/smokey/rainy feel which is inherent to the film I think, it also has a genuine HD look to it. I think you can tell you’re not looking at a DVD.


The layout is exactly the same as amazon.com etc. so you can navigate the Japanese by opening two tabs - your local amazon and amazon.co.jp. Follow the procedure for buying an item on the English site, stopping short at the purchase button while mimicking the steps on the Japanese site.

The discs arrived within days.

Also the Japanese Amazon is available in English.

That’s true.
It translates all the buttons etc. if you set your language to English from here.

Got some critically acclaimed masterpieces today.


I have mixed feelings about the McGregors films but the other three are very good, especially Bullets Don’t Argue and Providence.

Bought that set when I was in Venice about 12 years ago. It’s well worth having.

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Still the most cost-effective spaghetti western release out there. 5 nice releases for nearly no money.

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