I Just Bought … (the SW Shopping Diary)

Didn’t turn up under the Christmas tree so bought this for myself yesterday.


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We have the same word in Norwegian: galgenfugl. The original mening: someone about to be hanged. Nowadays: a joker.

An addition to the Wild East collection arrived:

A Gun for 100 Graves / Ride for a Massacre


I got a surprise bonus blu-ray with my ebay order from Germany today! I think it’s region B locked and has no English subs or audio but it will still be a cool addition to my collection!


Just got the French UHD of Le specialiste:


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I would be curious to see a screenshots comparison between the blu ray and the 4k blu ray.

pretty sure the picture quality is about the same :slight_smile:

even the dvd looks HD compared to the previous dvd available.

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Do either of the discs have English subs, or was that just a rumour?

The uhd should have English subs. Haven’t had it for a spin yet though. Still need a 4k tv :slight_smile:

I like dead men. especially when they ride.

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I bought a couple videos… just in a different format.


100% sure the UHD disc doesn’t have English subs…. why would it ? the blu ray and dvd don’t.

These Frenchies hate anything English related so… pretty much everything they release isn’t English friendly :wink:


If you base that 100% on nothing else than what you could imagine I would say that you are probably 100% wrong :slight_smile: Somebody already purchased the disc and confirmed it. Also registered here: Specialisti, Gli/BluRay - The Spaghetti Western Database

Some French discs are English friendly but you have to look carefully I guess.

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well I own the blu ray and the dvd so… I don’t understand why the 4k version would have English subs but not the 2 other versions… it doesn’t make sense.

here’s a uhd test:

the specs read:
Français et Italien DTS HD Master Audio 2.0 / Sous-titres Français.

No mention of anything English.

Well what can I say. That seems to be the case :slight_smile: The world often doesn’t make sense.

The UHD has English subtitles.


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okay you won then :slight_smile: … it’s good for English speakers but too bad there’s no mention of it on the back of the case

I have no interest in upgrading to UHD. I think Blu-ray is good enough. I’ll stick with my DVD+R for now.

Got this in the mail today

(The standard retail version)

Will be getting these in the next few days

Looking forward to all of them

That Oggi a me… domani a te blu-ray isn’t English friendly, is it?

Sadly, it’s not, but luckily after watching over 60 Italian language films for nearly 15 years I have a fair basic grasp of the Italian language and can watch it without subtitles, even with forced German subtitles.