Didn’t turn up under the Christmas tree so bought this for myself yesterday.
We have the same word in Norwegian: galgenfugl. The original mening: someone about to be hanged. Nowadays: a joker.
An addition to the Wild East collection arrived:
A Gun for 100 Graves / Ride for a Massacre
I got a surprise bonus blu-ray with my ebay order from Germany today! I think it’s region B locked and has no English subs or audio but it will still be a cool addition to my collection!
Just got the French UHD of Le specialiste:
I would be curious to see a screenshots comparison between the blu ray and the 4k blu ray.
pretty sure the picture quality is about the same
even the dvd looks HD compared to the previous dvd available.
Do either of the discs have English subs, or was that just a rumour?
The uhd should have English subs. Haven’t had it for a spin yet though. Still need a 4k tv
100% sure the UHD disc doesn’t have English subs…. why would it ? the blu ray and dvd don’t.
These Frenchies hate anything English related so… pretty much everything they release isn’t English friendly
If you base that 100% on nothing else than what you could imagine I would say that you are probably 100% wrong Somebody already purchased the disc and confirmed it. Also registered here: Specialisti, Gli/BluRay - The Spaghetti Western Database
Some French discs are English friendly but you have to look carefully I guess.
well I own the blu ray and the dvd so… I don’t understand why the 4k version would have English subs but not the 2 other versions… it doesn’t make sense.
here’s a uhd test:
the specs read:
Français et Italien DTS HD Master Audio 2.0 / Sous-titres Français.
No mention of anything English.
Well what can I say. That seems to be the case The world often doesn’t make sense.
The UHD has English subtitles.
okay you won then … it’s good for English speakers but too bad there’s no mention of it on the back of the case
I have no interest in upgrading to UHD. I think Blu-ray is good enough. I’ll stick with my DVD+R for now.
Got this in the mail today
(The standard retail version)
Will be getting these in the next few days
Looking forward to all of them
That Oggi a me… domani a te blu-ray isn’t English friendly, is it?
Sadly, it’s not, but luckily after watching over 60 Italian language films for nearly 15 years I have a fair basic grasp of the Italian language and can watch it without subtitles, even with forced German subtitles.