I Just Bought … (Non-SW Shopping Diary)

From ‘Amazon UK’ I’ve just pre-ordered:

Due out on July 15th.

Due out on July 29th.


Studio Canal seem to be releasing a bunch at the moment under this Cult Classics monicker.
Can’t see Red Sun on Amazon yet strangely but it is on the HMV site

Popped up instantly on amazon for me:


Yeah, strangely it was way down the list for me. Just needed to scroll down deeper



I bought myself a few DVDs:


Haven’t watched The Homesman yet. Hope it isn’t as boring as people have said!


It doesn’t have ‘shoot em ups’ every five minutes, but it is a sedate, beautifully told tale of the Old West, featuring thoughtful performances from Tommy Lee Jones and Hilary Swank…
I hope you enjoy it. :cowboy_hat_face:


Not to mention the brief but memorable appearances by Meryl Streep, John Lithgow, Tim Blake Nelson, James Spader, and Hailee Steinfeld. And you are absolutely correct…if you are looking for gunplay, look elsewhere. If you are looking for a unique but excellently told tale, this one is quite enjoyable.


Some new pick-ups and arrivals over the holiday weekend (at least here in the U.S.).

Some more discount Indicator including Hammer’s The Damned, Blake Edward’s Experiment in Terror and a classic horror from Mexico.

As for the thrift stores, this is my personal most exciting find of the weekend. As a kid, I watched reruns of this show anywhere I could find them so to find this complete series at a thrift store for $5.00 was a real thrill.

We were on the way over to the wife’s family farm on Friday when the mother-in-law called from the thrift store she was at to say that we needed to detour there before continuing to the farm as some older gentleman had just come in and donated his movies (nearly 100) as he now had “another way of watching them”. I rushed straight there and found that the man was quite the fan of classic war films though many of them were still in their wrapper. And it just happened to be a half price Memorial Day weekend sale so I got all ten for $2.50.


Some excellent titles there, Brian. Well done, amigo. :+1:


I do enjoy a cosy war movie from the safety of my own couch, so this is an enviable haul, well done indeed.



Some more DVD bargains (4 for £1) from the local charity shop yesterday…





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The Robinson Crusoe set is a particularly nice find


Just what I was thinking … though I do have a copy - plus ‘Northwest Frontier’ is a great ripping yarn, that features the Guadix to La Calahorra train several years before it would be seen in almost every ‘Spag’ with a train scene.

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I bought the Spanish Blu-ray of it (called “La India en llamas”) but still haven’t watched it. Picture quality is good, though not “Blu-ray disc of the year” caliber, and it has English audio. The running time is 129:56.


That sounds like the full cut, 2hours, 9mins approx’ … Just been looking at the film’s IMDB page, and read this ‘horrific’ piece of trivia …

‘Also available in a “time compressed” 90 minute version (i.e., the action is slightly sped up so that the film can play in ninety minutes without being cut).’


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Haha, who the hell wants to see that!?

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Nice selection of goodies there @Toscano. I’m thinking about going for the steelbook of Red Sun, I’m digging Bronson’s portrait on the front and Mifune’s on the back. Watched that movie quite a few times when I was a kid, and while I don’t react the same as a kid, I still enjoy it. Didn’t realize until recently I had seen Alain Delon as a kid before really discovering him :grinning:

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Nice Memorial Day haul there @LankyGringo, lots of good items. My Pop-Pop served under Patton in WWII and was at many of the major campaigns including Anzio. I never thought to ask him about this stuff while he was still with us, but at least my dad, aunt, and uncle kept his service records.


I got the China O’Brien set as soon as it came out, then Cynthia Rothrock signed it a few days later when she was on tour here. Perfect timing. Two of her most successful films, and were still annoyingly overdue a proper release. I can finally toss my Australian DVD, which had burnt in French subtitles.