This a user review of the same company’s release of Bullet for Sandoval.
“Amazing, how many bootleg records are recently being published by this label and absolutely nobody is doing anything about it! The quality is probably like that from an old VHS tape again!”
So maybe keep your expectations low to begin with.
I didn’t think the Sandoval release came out yet. I had a look at the other replies to him, and one accused him of something like having a vendetta against them. Still, I’ve lowered my expectations, but I’ll probably order a copy to see about running time.
Most of the releases from White Pearl and their aliases are complete crap.Bad VHS rips in not watchable quality.
And there are some rumours that the releases are bootlegs, escpecially the upcoming “Sandoval”. For sure it is not very serious to post a review to an upcoming release but I am afraid that the comment of that Amazon User will come true.
If they rip the US dvd at least the quality will be quite OK but nevertheless the release will not be legal. This was approved by many SW insiders here in Germany.
Just read the first review for the Pistol For 100 Graves (1971 version) dvd and it looks like is not very promising. Quality is terrible, worse than some vhs tapes.
Was the old Blue Underground DVD of this cut by 3 or 4 mins? I never bought the Blue Undergound Blu-ray (which didn’t seem to get very good reviews in terms of quality) but it seems like it had a longer cut on it as well.
Is their quality not very good usually? If they have a good source and don’t degrain it then hopefully it will look good.
I probably shouldn’t say anything or the guy might come here but oh well…
I mean, just read this DigiDreams Studios' Platinum Cult Editions - Blu-ray Forum and you will know everything you need to know. (To be honest the first couple of pages is more than enough and more than that might not be good for your mental health) The first page already has a couple of (or at least , added below, as the others didn’t work for me anymore) comparison screenshots and here’s one quote:
“That said, be very careful with all releases from this company as
the egomaniac Krekel is completely resistant to all good suggestions
like leaving natural film grain intact. He amateurishly gets into verbal
infight on message boards (banned already on and writes
his own positive reviews…”
Left MGM right DigiDreams (I think this is Cyborg?)
Their Moontrap Blu looks fucking horrible. Doesn’t look even close to DVD quality to me, but what do I know… And the worst thing is that other companies in the USA and UK were only allowed to use the DigiDreams master. Olive’s Blu got 1/5 for video quality at and I think the UK company only released a DVD and even that looks like shit.
If I had to choose between DigiDreams or nothing I would choose nothing.
As for Companeros… I think the BU disc is just from another one of those shitty Italian masters and I honestly don’t think DigiDreams would have anything better.
The Italian labs have supposedly replaced their shitty scanners some time ago but we still get some of the scans made in the old equipment. And now we have them messing with the colors so several Arrow releases already mention they have been color corrected by Arrow…
Gerade läuft Django - Ich will ihn tot (Lo voglio morto, 1968) auf Kabel 1 classics, da stellt sich die Frage, gibt es einen Unterschied zwischen den Koch VÖ und Icestorm DVDs? Die DEFA, ex-Magnum und sonstigen Veröffentlichungen sind mir durchaus bekannt. “Ich kämpfe niemals wieder!” gab es die Wochen ja sogar in der ARD. Wie sieht es aus mit Spaghetti? Gleich wie Koch?
Pauschalisieren darf man das denke ich nicht, die Rechte wandern hier allerdings immer hin und her, fragt sich nur ob auch das Material weiterverkauft wird. Müsste man einen DVD Vergleich anstreben. Könnte aber sein dass die identisch sind
Ja das ist leider der unangenehme Nebeneffekt. Das tragische ist das vieles davon auch noch Bootlegs sind, und es niemand gibt der diese Ramschlabels dafür exemplarisch mal vor Gericht zerren würde.