Demofilo Fidani - Really that bad?

Why is it a problem to you that there is SW fans that enjoys Fidanis films?

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Django is considered being violent exploitation crap in most of the elitist film circlesā€¦ should we listen to that aswell?


It isnā€™t a problem for me ā€¦ but there are always people who think it cool to champion the lesser films, if you enjoy them, thatā€™s your own business - To me they are mainly crap ā€¦ badly made, without any directorial skill or sense of style ā€¦ the reason I love Spaghetti westerns is, the good ones are the polar opposite of what Fidani produced.

He was a 3rd rate filmmaker who jumped on the western craze, without an iota of talent or inspiration ā€¦ I also believe that directors of his caliber are what killed off the genre.

But of course I have to say diplomatically, that if his films appeal to you, then go for it, enjoy them ā€¦ but for me, lifeā€™s too short to watch anymore of these wretched efforts.


Only here could the name of Demofilo Fidani inspire such spirited debate. :laughing:


Well, if it doesnā€™t appeal to me then I donā€™t feel the need to watch it, there is barely enough time to watch all the stuff that I am actually interested in - though I do make the time frequently as it is what I love to do.


Oh. Whatever. I mean I donā€™t see many people call Fidani a genius filmmaker. Guy made movies that are considered entertaining by many. I guess that is what cinema is all about.

I mean, itā€™s impossible to take the moving bushes seriously but thereā€™s just something that stands out and thatā€™s all down to Fidaniā€™s signature style. Maybe theyā€™re ā€œbad filmsā€ when measured against world cinema in general but in the world of spaghettis, I donā€™t think they are. Genre cinema has a completely different scale for me. Fidani uses all tropes and takes them to extremes but he was certainly never boring.


Isnā€™t this a forum where we are supposed to share our views and opinions and discuss with each other?


In a certain sense though, Fidani was a genius who towered over all the others in his own distinctive way, Coppola, Friedkin, Lumet, Cassavetes, you name it; his films have reshaped the edifice of cinema in its entirety and I am afraid your haranguing is not going to change that, sorry. No wonder Felliniā€™s motion pictures were so good, it was probably due to Fidaniā€™s subtle influence as a bosom friend.

I find your unwavering appreciation for the dregs of the genre absolutely endearing, @The_Man_With_a_Name. :sweat_smile: Especially the Creas. :grimacing:

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Not again!!! ā€¦ isnā€™t that what I have said numerous times ? - I too am responding to an opinion I disagree with ā€¦ but it seems we must go round in circles, take sides, even have ā€˜popularity contestsā€™, ad infinitum .


Agree but I think itā€™s not what you say but how you say it:) You say that some people think itā€™s cool to champion lesser films giving them a motive as to why they seem to enjoy them: itā€™s cool. So they donā€™t really enoy these films but as it is cool to pretend to thenā€¦ See what I mean. That will piss people off.

And champion lesser films you mean 95% of the spaghetti western library? Sure we know there is gold in the 95% but to people not initiated into the genre Iā€™m pretty sure they consider most of it crap not just the Fidanis and Creas.


Well this is another matter thatā€™s not specific at all to SWs ā€¦ itā€™s about attempting to draw attention to yourself, by means of waving a flag to say, ā€˜Look over here, Iā€™m different!ā€™

Itā€™s generally quite a young or immature person who uses this tactic ā€¦ just like teenagers pissing off their parents by playing loud obnoxious music ā€¦ or trying to shock by printing inflammatory statements on T-shirts ā€¦ ā€˜Who is your favourite serial killer/ dictatorā€™ ā€¦ ā€˜Kill Your Idolsā€™ with Jesus crucified etc ā€¦ and Iā€™m sure that has made many an elderly maiden aunt come over all faint.

If my tone pisses ā€˜someā€™ people off, that is not intentional ā€¦ itā€™s rather more about my own passion for the genre that compels me to speak as I find. Even what Iā€™ve written here will no doubt piss some persons off ā€¦ but what can you do! (rhetorical question)


Do you realize that most film enthusiasts that look down on all of the Italian westerns (maybe except for one or two films) will put you in that category aswell?

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Maybe ā€¦ but I watch what I want and donā€™t really discuss film outside of this forum.

The vast majority of people I know socially are relatively ignorant of cinema history in general, ā€¦ and actually when someone outside of this place learns that Iā€™m interested in ā€˜Spagsā€™, they either look blankly or want to go over key moments in GBU ā€¦ which has been discussed to death.


All I was saying in response to you was that surely you can see why he has the kind of reputation that he does. Surely its easy to see, and not some kind of mystery. Beyond that, Iā€™ve certainly never declared his films to be boring, and have already admitted to enjoying certain films of his in the past.

My original post that you picked up on was referencing the fact that Iā€™ve never been a fan of Matalo and now somehow I have a quality blu ray copy of it sitting on my shelf, and that if that can happen I am definitely now more open to owning similar versions of parts of the genre that I have been previously contented to simply watch but not own. Some of the best parts of Findani films are the hilarious performances by the great Kinski, Gordon Mitchell and Hunt Powers - all of whom I love - and I can absolutely understand people enjoying these films, as I myself have for the most part, but what I was merely saying is that the gulf in class is undeniable.

I also agree with @aldo in that, as much as I enjoy these conversations, it does get tiresome around here when these sorts of things constantly devolve into an ā€˜Iā€™m right youā€™re wrongā€™ sort of interaction.


Iā€™ve only seen the few Fidani films with Klaus Kinski. Too amateurish to be taken seriously and the low-budgets were no justification for such inept filmmaking. Kinski and Gordon Mitchell utterly wasted among Fidaniā€™s entourage of stuntmen promoted to performers. Recommended only to completists.


Damn when I saw 18 new comments I thought that the mystery single Arrow title was announced :laughing:


I really do not think this is about the argument at all, but it is all about the tone, aldo. I doubt anybody regards Fidani as a proficient director, here or elsewhere. Have you ever seen anybody seriously call him a genius, I mean anywhere at all? That was so absurd I laughed out loud.

Sure, people will generally say that there are worse spaghetti directors than him; that part is kinda true, but it is not saying much given that he vies with Crea, Lattanzi and Batzella all of whose movies verge on being basically unwatchable. Hardly a compliment in and of itself, is it?

But that could be turned on its head and one could say you are the one drawing attention to yourself by presenting yourself as the only genuine person in the room who is for real unlike the rest of the rabble which is just a bunch of posers. That attitude is just as juvenile and vexing as what you have described.

Now I am not saying you are framing it this way, but someone could come to such a conclusion based on the uncharitable, almost abrasive manner in which you sometimes frame your opinion and then contrast it with the opinions of those your own view is at variance with. Placing a semi-conciliatory disclaimer after a paragraph of dogmatic lambasting may seem inadequate to those who feel targeted by such remarks, hence the controversy arises.

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Again this has already been covered, several comments ago ā€¦ so what is the point in repeating it?