A Town Called Hell / A Town Called Bastard (Robert Parrish, 1971)

I would recommend the novelisation of this film, by William Terry (pen name of Terry Harknett, who went on to write the legendary Edge series of pulp westerns). As well as fully explaining the plot, it is more violent, grotesque and sadistic then any film version I’ve subsequently heard about. There are also some striking images and memorable dialogue not found in the original screenplay.

I’ve only seen a UK VHS release of the film, many years ago, which was a let down after the book, but I keep meaning to catch up with it again on DVD.

A question, particularly for German members. When I did German at university, we studied Durrenmatt’s play Die Besuch der Alten Dame (The Visit) where a woman arrives with a coffin and corrupts the townspeople by offering them a reward to kill someone from her past. I immediately thought: That’s where they got the idea from! What do you reckon?

Thanks for the recommendation, didn’t know about the novel. So it was written after the screenplay?

Yes, the novel (published as A Town Called Bastard) is “based on the original screenplay by Richard Aubrery.”

On its way. Currently unavailable on amazon.co.uk.Still one left in stock on amazon.com.

The parallels to Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s Der Besuch der alten Dame (The Visit) are striking indeed; definitely an influence or inspiration for screenplay writer Richard Aubrey. Probably an unlikely connection, but in 1964 actor Robert Shaw had played the role of Johann Wilhelm Möbius in the Broadway theater performance of Dürrenmatt’s Die Physiker (The Physicists).

For some reason, Christopher Frayling doesn’t mention A Town Called Bastard in his recent essay on “Irishness.” A strange omission, for the conflicts depicted in Parrish’s film are obviously informed rather by the contemporaneous escalation of political violence in Northern Ireland than by events in Mexico between 1890 and 1905, when the country was under the rule of Porfirio Díaz.

In his detailed discussion of A Town Called Bastard, Lee Broughton emphasizes the film’s Gothic elements and the presence of a strong female character, revenge-seeking Alvira Montes, as distinctively British.

@morgan: Good review! Were you able to find out who played “Águila”?

Thanks, companero. No. I have been thinking about Fernando Sánches Polack. But to speak the truth I know nothing about Spanish actors. Here some screenshots of him. Surely, someone who do will recognize him.

You may be on to something there. That’s a pretty distinctive profile. Here in The Bounty Killer, Pancho Villa and Captain Apache.

The last two being UK productions, like Town, shot in Spain. At about what point does he appear in A Town Called Hell?

In the flashback, 73 - 80 minutes.

And long before the flashback sequence in a black-and-white photograph with his wife Alvira (English version: 27 min 30 s, Spanish version: 27 min 18 s), posted by morgan above.

Film full of no hope and dispair. Full of sweat aswell ! You just get involved in one character and they go, but then you just get involved in another on the same level. What a great cast !, and this of course enhances this theme. Its such a negative film, and gets better with each viewing. Top notch stuff for this viewer !


I just found a widescreen HD version of this on YouTube (billed as A Town Called Hell but with Bastard as the onscreen title), looking better than I’ve ever seen it. All the structural flaws are still there, of course. It feels like it was conceived as a much longer and more transgressive film but the producers took fright and cut it to bits before it was even released.

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I am watching this right now, for the first time I have to admit, and weird is exactly what it is… some fantastic hangings though. Parrish sure likes 'em swinging.

Update from the front lines: I have given up on trying to understand the movie. I’m lost between that I assume are almost feature-length flash backs? Since the audio on my disc is so bad I may have missed out on key dialogue, it’s now all a mess… may have to give this another chance at some point, but for now… the movie has lost me…

Final update: Shaw is great in a few moments, the camera is great, the production design extras, the story does have an ace up its sleeve and what I missed watching the opening credits: the music is by Waldo de los Rios! It’s really interesting at times.
Verdict: really tricky one to review, but I think it will grow on me. There’s a really great movie in there somewhere… at least you can’t blame them for trying, it oozes ambition, even if it’s hamstrung ambition.

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