Xploited Cinema

Xploited no longer have alot of Franco Cleef copies in stock, so Franco Cleef appears like he is doing OK for cash.

Seeing that those are dvdrs anyway one might aswell get them in a dvdr-trade or off the net.

Yes I agree.

late on this topic, but really a bummer…

made quite a habit out of keeping my never-ending wishlist up to date

xploited cinema end, that’s very bad… :frowning:
my last order of those was: fistful of lead, and rytern of stranger
before 5 years or 4 i don’t remeber
the last pieces available in ebay

Just noticed today that Xploited’s site is officially gone, no more orders for leftover stock

Used to order from them on a regular basis years back, always satisfied with their service.

Most of the time Diabolik doesn’t cut the mustard.

Their interests are much narrower than Xploited. They won’t stock a lot of imports I’m interested in.

I miss Xploited. Tony used to go looking for rare and oop titles for a customer. He found things for me I couldn’t get anywhere. Never got that service from anyone else.


And now newcomers like me have to search even more extensively :-\ Ah, well.

Just saw today that he’s still selling his leftover stock via ebay:


Must have had alot of stock as seems to been selling it of for a long time.