Wild East Productions

where did you hear that

I read it from SWWB. They are also going to release Sartana double-feature with If you meet Sartana… and Have a good funeral…

They announced some other titles too like Gunfight at Red Sands.

I just hope W East will still continue and supported by SW fans from US, and of course all over the world. KOch Media is great but I believe every territory has its own market share.

[size=8pt]Wild East is run by Ally Lamaj, and they will also ship to the UK direct. As for costs, do you want to watch a beautifully restored print, or some piece of full-screen, badly transferred shit which costs $2? You pays your money and you makes your choice. I’ve spent years watching crappy 10th generation dupes (some of which easily cost me $20) and after that, you want quality![/size]

but you gotta admit that 30 dollars for a dvd is quite a lot, even for a small company like that

They usually cost $20 not $30.

day of anger costs 30

Well, I got mine cheaper but it’s out of print now afaik and it will only get more expensive.


they sell the dvd’s as well. they seem the same kinda price though.

My own view is that we really need to support what WE are doing. And the extras on the discs are great (I love the old trailers).

The only Wild East DVD I own is Day of Anger. They did a really nice job on the DVD transfer/extras.

i hope i like it. i ordered it for fucking 30 bucks :slight_smile:

You will like it but $30 is steep for a non-anamorphic disc.

i know! but i had a gift certificate and its the only decent disc so i dont worry that much although i could’ve bought 2 dvds for that money :_)

You will like it. If you don’t you should give up SWs and take up knitting instead :slight_smile:

Day of Anger is a classic and the WE disc is great quality. The only other WE dvd I have is Kill and Pray which is a good, if slightly weird SW. What I’m really looking forward to is WE’s Sartana double release. I’m hoping we’ll finally be getting a decent english language version of If you meet Sartana…Pray for Your Death.

WIld east is putting out great stuff in general, no crap and ask a fair price…25 dollars or so for these movies which do need some restoration and do not have a very large following, is very reasonable imhb…

Especially if you keep the japanese prices in mind…Anyways, if WE is putting it out, I’ll be gettin it!

Angel Eyes

What do you think of Wild east’s Trailer collections? I have all of Wild east’s other releases except them (and Boot Hill). Are they worth of their price?

I have the trailer disc from X-rated though which I believe is the same as Fistfull of Trailers with some german trailers added to it. They’re great fun.

nice to have, but could easily do without…For collectors only…

I picked up Pistoleros it’s 16x9! and looks pretty good. Ben and Charlie might be 16x9 also but i think it’s a “funny” western.