Who is your favorite Spaghetti western theme song vocalist?

Who are your favorite Spaghetti Western singers?

Mine are Maurizio Graf and Peter Tevis. The men sang like kings, they sound so majestic.

I also like Don Powell. And for some reason I find Sergio Endrigo’s voice in “Back Home Someday” really satisfying.

Right now I’m heading to Google to find out if these guys made any songs outside Spaghs. Would be cool to hear more from them.


Christy. The way she yells “NEVERRRRRRR” soothes the soul.


Maybe not my top favourite but I love Francesco De Masi. The vocal themes for Johnny Hamlet, Lone and Angry Man and Arizona Colt are all fabulous.


All great choices. I also like Morricone’s man Peter Tevis. A very great, and in ways haunting, voice for singing Western songs.


That’s Raul Lovecchio you want, aka ‘Raoul’ … great distinctive voice, very intense and passionate :wink:


Love Raul’s voice.


Peter’s voice was triumphant and majestic. His High Noon cover is still my favourite version.

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Maurizio takes it for me as well. Do love Raoul’s and Christy’s voices though.


Another Tevis fan here, and Edda Dell’Orso of course. So many other wonderful voices…

I’m not a great fan of Navajo Joe and find the main theme strident and cacophonous, but Gianna Spagnulo’s earthy vocal on ‘After the End’ is probably my favourite.


Interesting topic to create @I_love_Cat_Stevens, something I don’t think we’ve touched on yet here. I like most of the singers of the SW songs, Rocky Roberts, Peter Tevis, Don Powell, Raoul, Maurizio Graf, they all brought something different to the table to make their songs unique. The only song I can’t stand, and I think most SW fans agree unanimously on this one, is the duo who did the song for Keoma. Whew :grimacing:!


With the talk of Peter Tevis, I had to give this a listen to this evening then continued on with the whole album. Good stuff.

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Don’t know how you arrived at that conclusion, “unanimously” … ? I doubt many people take it seriously as a great piece of songwriting or performance, but it suits ‘Keoma’ very well … over the top action, humorless delivery, cheesy sentimentality … it’s the icing on the cake for this particular peculiar film :wink:


Luckily, this is a thread about people’s favourite singers, not least favourite :slightly_smiling_face:


Whoever sang the music to Mannaja as well. Apart from them I agree. I like pretty much all spaghetti western music as well.


There is one above the others for me: Rita Pavone!


… deafening silence! :wink:

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Believe it or not, with the exception of two or 3 of my YouTube buddies, and many of the great SW Forum guys and gals, almost everybody else I’ve read or saw always would say how Keoma’s greatness was spoiled by the shrilled singing of Sybil and Guy.


Don’t believe anything you read on the internet! :wink: that’s a good rule of thumb - but whether or not 12 people hate it and 4 like it, is irrelevant - Your own taste is the only thing that should matter … I personally have never liked Franco Nero as an actor, or Keoma as a film … but I do think the music gives it something … at least it’s own identity ?

Remember there are brilliant pieces of cinematic music which aren’t designed for ‘toe - tapping’ easy listening … Many pieces I admire in the context of enhancing the story, which I have no wish to listen to on an OST recording … Leonard Rosenman is a a good example.

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Okay…going to chuck one in here that I think is rather wonderful …

Anne Reid Collin

The ‘Deaf Smith and Johnny Ears’ theme is sung by Ann Reid Collin ; who also sang the main theme to ‘Shoot the Living, Pray For the Dead’ . I love both themes… :cowboy_hat_face:

Why do I love her singing? Because it inspires, it’s cheerful, and it has a positive message that lifts the spirit. It’s a feel-good sound - and any tune, word, or sentiment that is uplifting is worth holding on to.

Very 60/70 ish…but very appropriate.

Beautiful voice…and very, very inspirational if you listen to the lyrics.

I’m a fan, and champion, of ‘Deaf Smith and Johnny Ears’, and I’m really praying for a decent BD release at some point. Even a decent DVD release would be something!

Until then…We need to settle for a crappy pan and scan, poor quality print. This deserves better, if only to experience the magical chemistry between Nero and Quinn.

It’s a buddy-buddy movie, very much in the vein of ‘Ben and Charlie’ etc; Trinity and Bambino etc; not as popular, perhaps, but equally deserving of praise.

Just sayin’…it’s a good film, and deserves more attention…


Don Powell. He has a powerful voice that gets you hyped up for some spaghetti western action. I also like how in some songs he yells out “Amigo!” or “Go West!”