Who is your favorite Spaghetti western theme song vocalist?

I love the music to this one too. I’ve said before the lyrics are a bit strange, but the music is quite hypnotic and the two blend well together. Thanks for sharing, I didn’t actually know the name of the singer.


I’ve loved Ann Collin’s theme song to Deaf Smith and Johnny Ears ever since I saw the film on TV back in the 80s. More recently - thanks to Quentin Tarantino - I discovered her wonderful vocals for His Name Was King.

Also a big fan of Don Powell and Maurizio Graf, who could both sing with real feeling.

Slightly off-topic, but my favourite spaghetti western songwriter is Audrey Stainton/Nohra.


One of my favourites is the Sabata - Ehi Amico C’è Sabata - Maine Title with German vocals from Marcello Giombini. There were days when I heard that on a continuous loop :joy:

Another favourite is Dan Reed and his songs he performed in several SW like Buckaroo.

Great !!


For me it is a tie between Christy and Edda Dell’Orso… but if whistlers are included in a category sounds from the mouth/throat etc, then also Alessandro Alessandroni would be included in the tie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkcOTgQaq5s&pp=ygUeQWxlc3NhbmRybyBBbGVzc2FuZHJvbmkgZWwgcHJv