What Film Are You Watching Tonight?

Hadn’t heard of this western out of Spain yet, but it looks good and reviews are good


Either that or Dawn Rider (2012) which doesn’t look too great but I’m curious


’Blackthorn’ is a real movie, which I liked very much.

… I’d guess that anything with Christian Slater (the boy who’d love to be Nicholson) is going to be bullshit ?

Looking forward to Blackthorn, but I went for Dawn Rider tonight because I’m watching while doing some other stuff and I wanted to pay full attention to Blackthorn.

Its actually not too bad for what I expected. Good pacing, some decent western action and some better actors like Donald Sutherland. The music is typical bullshit they always use for American westerns and the direction lacks style - its the generic action movie with no real artistic camera work. Its at least not boring and good for a watch. I expected much worse. I’ve never seen the John Wayne original, but those westerns aren’t my bag.

Yeah, Blackthorn is a good one.

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Looking forward to Blackthorn

Had never heard of it and just randomly came across as a suggested title in the tubi streaming service (its available to watch for free there, in the US anyway)

I remember it being advertised but I never saw it. I may look into renting it now. :+1:

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Which of his westerns is that?

I always preferred the later John Wayne films. Hondo is the earliest John Wayne film I have.


I think I’ve got it but never watched it. Is it good?

Halfway through Lowlife

I was expecting something much more tongue in cheek goofy, but this movie is extremely violent and graphic so far.

I’m not sure what the deal is lately with movies being labeled as comedy when they really aren’t comedies at all.

Pretty cool so far though if you like violent crime with some weirdness.

*edit: ok so the 2nd half gets goofier with some comedic stuff… but still wouldn’t really classify this as a comedy. It also goes downhill from here. Too bad, started out interesting.

I felt the same way when I watched the film Super and to a certain extent the first DEADPOOL film. I suppose the way I looked at it is they were too funny to be that violent and at the same time too violent to be that funny.

I liked Super and thought the mixture of comedy with extreme violence worked very well in that one. Same with God Bless America

I didn’t like Deadpool because it was just a crap movie. The jokes were not funny, and the movie was really boring. Did not get the hype on that one at all. I did think part 2 was enjoyable though, much better than the first.

I don’t mind mixing comedy with violence as long as its a good movie and its not just cheap jokes that aren’t funny (Deadpool).

What I was mainly referring to is this trend recently to call movies comedies just because they are kinda weird. The Sisters Brothers for example… not a comedy, at all.

Well I didn’t find it that funny, Ryan Reynolds humour is a bit too puerile for me. The baby hand- hand job is a good example. I did find the big Russian metal man amusing though.

I will skip the Sisters Brothers then. And I haven’t bothered with DEADPOOL 2. Despite pleas to do so.

well, you shouldn’t skip Sisters Brothers just because its not a comedy. Its a western. Its different, with characters that are a little weird compared to normal, but this kind of thing is normal for spaghetti fans. Not being a comedy is a good thing, because comedy westerns are generally bad

OK then, I will keep it on the list you give solid reasons for doing so. :+1:

Brain Damage with Joe Bob Briggs tonight, fuck yea

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As in the MonstesVision and Drive in Theatre guy?

Yeap he hosts on Shudder now. Double feature every Friday night. You can get 30 days free with code serialkiller or shutin