Upcoming releases (Germany)

I pre-ordered cover B of May God Forgive You…But I Won’t! earlier this Summer. Lately a lot of my orders from Germany have been coming in between two weeks to a month, which is pretty good given the Pandemic, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for this one to have that same luck.

The Arrow releases and the many German companies releases are tied for 1st place for me in great quality. Eureka! is at 2nd place as I really love their presentation of The Specialist, and I’m planning on getting the Sabata Trilogy set and the Great Silence (I saw it as a teenager and felt let down, but now that I’m older I wanna give it another try).

A further gray market Django BluRay has been added for December

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I know of the one company that’s putting that release out, UCM ONE, and they’re actually a pretty solid outfit. They did a fantastic restoration of the Suspense Horror film Die Schlangengrube und das Pendel with Lex Barker and Christopher Lee. I have the mediabook release of that and couldn’t believe how clean and crisp it looked. They lack a little on special features, but I think they could prosper as long as they keep doing good restorations in audio and picture.