Thoughts on Grjngo Western Movies and what have you watched

A lot of the juicy stuff has been taken down, and is either gone completely or replaced with smaller and therefore lower quality rips … acceptable to watch if you’re desperate to see something or just get the flavor of. Seems to be just uploading old 1930s American clunkers … massive hats and dreadful acting … no thanks :wink:

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I guess Grjngo must have started to get hit with copyright strikes from whoever has the actual rights. Like I said, pretty much positive he was just ripping stuff from Amazon and putting it up - a lot of which was only available in Italy so the rest of us never saw it

well his catalog is also different depending from where you access it

That’s likely Youtube’s built in copyright system. Youtube will automatically limit access by country based on their copyright database whenever it finds copyrighted material in the uploads. If the publisher has limited access to certain countries, its applied by YT’s algo

I’ve seen some Gringo Western movies that aren’t so bad. I would even say they are classy and reveal the everyday life of that times. I saw them only because my grandpa liked them a lot, and we were joking that he clearly remembered those times.
But, recently, I watched the Degueyo movie. I accidentally ran into this movie on when I was looking for some western movies to watch. I looked for something classy and similar to Gringo Western movies. Google suggested that site, and I’m glad I ran into this movie. Definitely recommend watching it ones.

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hey adampower, thanks for your post - but FYI this thread is actually about a youtube channel named “Grjngo Western Movies” where they post a bunch of westerns on youtube

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The plot thickens… don’t know if this has already been mentioned anywhere yet, but came across the Grjngo Amazon Prime channel in Germany just now… its a paid channel for 3.99/month and includes not only many spaghettis but also many big name current films:

I found it while trying to find info on the supposed German blu ray release for Black Killer, because Black Killer is available on the Grjngo Amazon prime channel and in German dub… I wonder if they have anything to do with these German blu ray releases for these lesser known titles? I don’t recognize the studio releasing them

why would they have anything to do with BluRays? one company goes and licenses these flicks’ streaming rights for a penny, trying to make a buck from the youtube ads (Grjngo), the other pays a pretty buck to make some real dough from overpriced Mediabooks (Mediacs).

Well, as I pointed out, Grjngo isn’t merely trying to make money from youtube ads. I just linked to their paid Amazon subscription channel (I see you edited my post to include your referral code, good luck on getting paid yourself)- they are charging a monthly fee of 3.99 to watch movies on the Grjngo channel via Amazon, and the movies via Amazon Prime Germany have German dubs like in the case of Black Killer which is also “HD”. I’ve seen a lot of really shit upscale quality blu rays from Germany… always of the “limited mediabook” variety. Wouldn’t be surprised if whoever is behind Grjngo is getting in on that game. I’ve asked about info on that Black Killer blu as I’ve never heard of this Mediacs company and I’ve done some googling on that release and can’t find anything at all about it beyond a very basic announcement of TBA details… maybe you’d like to shed some light about the company for us non-Germans. As far as I know, nobody knows who is behind Grjngo, don’t see how you can outright dismiss that they wouldn’t be possibly looking into different release markets if they own the rights to do so

Sorry, I wasn’t outright dismissing it, I just don’t honestly see a connection. Any company gets the licenses (and often times also the material) from the same copyright holders in Italy (of which there are just a handful big ones left that have bigger catalogs to offer bulk deals from). Hardly any of the German BluRay companies also does streaming rights (some exceptions are actual VOD, e.g. Plaion, etc., or some of the other cult film stuff on Amazon) and in the case of Gjingo it’s a fella from Potsdam, but not the same person who’s behind Mediacs, which started out as a Müller store-exclusive gig with a “colors of entertainment” series. Their reputation isn’t great to say the least, but they’re snatching up licences left and right and have a distribution deal with Leonine now… which has made them quite a major player due to sheer volume of titles they are churning out. The quality isn’t always great, but they seem to have the dough to procure new material, e.g. the Vinegar Syndrome Thrille restorations etc… btw it’s the same company/people as “Inked pictures” etc… (they put out a Cut Throats Nine) etc…

Long standing SWDb policy you should be familiar with: if we must link to Amazon, we try to include the SWDb referral code. It’s the SWDb’s main and only semi-reliable source of financial support