Things that really annoy me

Have you seen the film Eastwood starred in straight after the Dollar films ?

I have not seen either Magnificent Stranger or The Witches if that’s which ones you mean.

I should have specified his first western after the dollars trilogy.

The Witches is one of those films with a few separate stories rolled into one, with Eastwood starring in one segment and is one of the most different kind of things he ever did in the early years…an oddity for Eastwood who rarely ever mentions this one.

Film has it’s own thread if interested:


I’m intrigued. Thanks Ennioo.

People that have 1 or 2 drinks & act all crazy. I was out playing pool last night & there was a group of college students yelling & acting like they haven’t ever had a drink before. Handle your liquor or don’t drink! >:(

I was out last night and noticed how many people that dress real scruffy. May be the in thing and / or the grunge look and all, but still looks scruffy to me. And no need for people to smell of stale sweat, as a bar of soap does not cost much.

But it is us that pays being close to these stinky mongoloid barbarians. Fresh sweat doesn’t smell any better either. Bad hygiene & dirty clothes only works in…uh…Spaghetti Westerns, I guess. :wink:

What they need is a fistful of deodorant.

I’ve always wondered about that. Spaghetti heroes haven’t brushed and showered in days and are all sweaty and grimy, yet when they enter the saloon the girls flock to them.

[quote=“Col. Douglas Mortimer, post:68, topic:1411”]What they need is a fistful of deodorant.

I’ve always wondered about that. Spaghetti heroes haven’t brushed and showered in days and are all sweaty and grimy, yet when they enter the saloon the girls flock to them.[/quote]
What’s even worse (& this goes for sagas & epics as well) is when the hero & his woman finally run in each others arms & KISS! These folks have never brushed. Imagine the smell & taste of that. If my girl doesn’t brush often, let’s just say there’s a lot of neck kissing during those intimate moments.

They sure do :wink: .

Also, have you noticed people never change or wash their clothes in westerns? Manco’s serape probably smells like dog doo doo by now. Yet none girls don’t seem to mind the stink.

I guess they got used to it. Or maybe they’re girls with some strange smell fetishes

The extra doo puts it over the top. Last of the Mohicans comes to mind. The Scene where DD Lewis 7 the leading lady run to each other & kiss. That dudes breath must smell like a yak’s anus mixed with dumpster juice :-*

They are idiots!

Need some help here. What the fuck is about the break room refrigerator at work that bring out the worst in mankind? It’s either growing some 5th grade science experiment or somebody’s stealing your food! Our break room itself is so disgusting. I can’t imagine that a good percentage of people live like this in their home. Maybe Kim & Aggie should come to our workplace.

Same with toilets at workplaces I have worked…people do not treat good.

One other thing about workplace toilets - why do some guys feel the need to wipe their snot on cubicle walls? There’s toilet paper right next to you and yet…

Ew ew EW. :-X

Some people are just dirty I guess.

I notice that all the time and didn’t realize it was snot. I thought it was puke!

I also see it on the ceramic wall tiling behind the urinals!