Interesting choice. I love the film but find the main theme unfitting, though it’s a nice little song
is this available in physical format or on streaming anywhere - can’t see it in listed in the database entry?
Bluray, DVD, take your pick?'uomo_della_vendetta
Hi Sebastian I meant the soundtrack - when you click the link it says “We lack information here”.
I don’t think I’ve seen this movie yet so I’ll try and watch it later this week - I have the Wild East DVD version.
OMG just seen this is 2 mins shorter than the BluRay version!! Maybe a quick Amazon purchase is in order…
No soundtrack released sadly…
BluRay and DVD runtimes cannot be compared directly as there is a difference between 1080p/24f speed and NTSC speed etc and it could be different credits used as well
I rewatched it recently and it is ok. I loved the main theme, the actors were fitting and the story was somewhat interesting. This western is very story driven but at the same time it does not really treat the story well and puts more emphasis on pointless action. In the end you would like to know more about the main characters and their relationships but there is simply no time left for that.
Welcome Back!
Hey! Western time.
Since last Spagvember rewatched all flics , which were released as a Django in german cinemas , except this one (because of the upcoming blu)
Anyone a clue how long it take ?
I ordered it from platinum cult but haven’t had any update despite contacting them, possibly might cancel. It was listed as in stock but I’m starting to think it was a pre sale based on stock they thought they would have. Could be pushed back.
It’s not out yet. They would’ve announced. Give 'em a few more weeks maybe. These few weeks in Germany were littered with public holidays, that could’ve impacted getting the product ready for market
Edit: two weeks ago I asked them and they replied they were awaiting delivery of the media books…
I have asked for details on April, 4 th. at Platinumcult.
This was the answer:
Genaues Erscheinigsdatum kann ich nicht sagen. Die MBs gehen gerade in Druck und natürlich ist er uncut
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards
My order and payment were accepted
Which translates to: no clear release date yet. MB are now being printed, and the movie will of course be uncut.
Can’t see the Kino transfer being surpassed. It was a very good release.
Yeah but for people wanting the German dub or not having a region-free blu-ray player it’s a a sweet release I guess
Got mine at the end of 2016 or 2017 and it’s served me well.
Yeah my region A player has also done me good for several years now
An SW with a plot that has some nice complexities to it. Unfortunately, it struggles to develop the side characters more, but they still work well enough as archetypes. Dialogue is mostly expositional, lacking subtlety, but there are visual symbols to add a bit of subtext. Some nice fight choreography at times and good death moments. Music sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t - but definitely feels a bit too happy over the ending.
And dang, Woody’s death is definitely one of the best I’ve seen in SW’s.
Overall, very enjoyable.
The Blue-ray from Platinumcult arrived on 9 July. A very nice mediabook, the picture quality leaves nothing to be desired. That’s why the relatively high price is justified. Expectations were fulfilled.