The Spaghetti Western Generator

HaHa… Awesome!!!

“The Taste rides Holy Ghost” (1968/Tessari)? Jesus Christ, whats going on?

But I think it is a nice idea… ;D

“The Taste Shoots Bullets”. Cesare Canevari 1968. Jason Robards, Mario Novelli, Anjanette Comer.


“The Good Pray For The Ugly Ones”, 1965, by Florestana Vancini starring Alfredo Rizzo, Herbert Fux, Antonio Pieto…
…although I haven’t seen Herbert Fux in a western film yet, he would be perfect for “the ugly one” I think, haha…


Directed by

Mario Caiano


Venantino Venantini
George Hilton
Antonio Sabato

Sounds quite violent!

“A Bullet Rides the Seven” (1974)

Directed by Giulio Petroni

Antonio Sabato
John Phillip Law
Jason Robards

Funny stuff!!! :smiley:


“Massacre shoots The West” (1972) starring Terence Hill, Jolanda Modio and Jack Palance.
Dir: Cesari Canevari
Sounds great !!! Good anti-hero and Villian

Forgive me if you’ve done these to death but I’ve only just discovered them and this is what I got.

Captain Apache Vs Mannaja

Directed by Sergio Corbucci

Starring Ringo Starr, Henry Fonda and Tomas Milian

Now that’s a film I want to see!

Well yes, maybe this starts to become old joke already but what the heck. This is the funniest I’ve got so far:

“Seven hours without the west” directed by Duccio Tessari. Sounds like the longest art-house film ever. :smiley:

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Since i’ve only just noticed this, and it’s a quiet night, i got;

“Two Sons Of Sacramento” (1969), directed by Enzo Castellari and starring Antonio De Teffe, Ray Lovelock and William Berger! :stuck_out_tongue:

“Dead men pray for the badmen” directed by antonio Margheriti. must be one badass sinister flick

Poker for the Condemned (1973/ Cesare Canevari) starring Jason Robards, George Hilton and Burt Reynolds.

burt reynolds. hahaha
i love this generator.

still like “my” random title best

Two Sons Called Death (1965/Jose Antonio de la Loma) starring Joseph Cotten, Steffen Zacharias, Pietro Ceccarelli

Lousy parents not able to come up with two different names for their sons, oh well. One I want to watch!

I’d like to see that one myself!

Boring night tonight, so here goes;

“A Coffin Strikes Trinity” (1965/Carlo Lizzani), starring Federico Boido, Luis Rodriguez and Aldo Sambrell!

I got:
“The Brides Without Sundown” (1966/Segio Sollima) starring Emma Cohen, Franco Nero and Dominique Darel.


Oh man, some of these are pretty cool. Too bad it looks like the site is gone now… :-\

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Stumbled over this ancient thread.

Is the generator still alive somewhere?

nope, and this one seems to not work well: Coolest Spaghetti Western Title - #143 by last.caress

Didn’t we also have another thread somewhere where we made up our own?

I vaguely remember taking part in such a thread. Can’t find it.