The Senoritas

Lola Fallana-LOLA COLT

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NIEVES NAVARRO-a pistol for ringo-return of ringo-long days of vengance-el rojo-adios sabata-light the fuse sartana is coming-the big gundown.

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That’s a scandal that such a topic is dead :stuck_out_tongue:
I thought Michele Mercier in “Cemetery without crosses” looked great :slight_smile:

Superbly resurected Brother alk0. Amen to MM.

Ahh…so many senoritas, so little time…

Following are just a few of my personal favorite Spaghetti Western gals:

Silvana Bacci as she appeared in Corbucci’s DJANGO. Ms. Bacci was also in THE FORGOTTEN PISTOLERO as the flamenco dancer that tempts Peter Martel. Other SW’s she appeared in include: THE STRANGER RETURNS, SEVEN DOLLARS ON THE RED, JOHNNY ORO, and many more. She was also in the bed scene with Clint that was cut from GBU.

The lovely Rosalba Neri as she appeared in JOHNNY YUMA.

Giovanna Ralli as she appeared in Corbucci’s THE MERCENARY.

And I cannot forget my good friend, Ms. Nicoletta Machiavelli! She wouldn’t care if I left her off my short list here…but, I would feel badly about it! :wink:


Nicoletta in a late 1960’s portrait.

And Nico as she looks now (well, as she looked three years ago, that is).

…and those are just a few of my top favorites!

Just doing my bit to keep this topic alive!
To be honest, the ladies are one of the things I like most about the Spaghetti Westerns!

Some more of my favorites would include:

Agata Flori (aka, Agatha Flory) in SEVEN GUNS FOR THE MACGREGORS

Daniela Giordano as she appeared in FIND A PLACE TO DIE

Chelo Alonso

Nieves Navarro in a scene from A PISTOL FOR RINGO

[quote=“Chris_Casey, post:68, topic:35”]Some more of my favorites would include:

Nieves Navarro in a scene from A PISTOL FOR RINGO[/quote]

I fully concur with the inclusion of Miss Navarro. Saw her in Return of Ringo yesterday and she set the screen on fire!

Nieves Navarro is the sexiest actress in the Spaghetti westerns.
She may not be the prettiest but she has great sex appeal.

Raquel Welch aClaudia Cardinale would round out my top 3.

[quote=“Tom B., post:70, topic:35”]Nieves Navarro is the sexiest actress in the Spaghetti westerns.
She may not be the prettiest but she has great sex appeal.[/quote]
Quite nice for a ginger!!! What has she been credited most as do you know, Nieves Navarro or Susan Scott?

I quite like Silvana Bacci as well. Bravo!

Maria Silva from Santana Kills 'em all

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This is a pic of very pretty girl from “Con lui cavalva la morte”. I’m not sure what’s her name. Carole Andre maybe? Does anyone know if she was in any other westerns?

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[quote=“Tom B., post:70, topic:35”]Nieves Navarro is the sexiest actress in the Spaghetti westerns.
She may not be the prettiest but she has great sex appeal.

Raquel Welch aClaudia Cardinale would round out my top 3.[/quote]

I absolutely agree.
My top 3 also without a doubt.

I am not attracted to many blondes, but there are a few exceptions like Linda Veras, for example.


aw rrrrrr

Simonetta Vittelli (Savage Guns)

[quote=“Bad Lieutenant, post:78, topic:35”]Simonetta Vittelli (Savage Guns)

I just watched this flick a couple nights ago! And, yes, she was a pretty one, wasn’t she?

The only thing prettier was Lallo Gori’s score. Mesmerizing.