The Quentin seal of approval !
Exactly!! It’s ridiculous how they put a sticker with his name on it saying how influential it is…
Well, you never know, maybe Fidani’s and Crea’s opuses were the biggest influence on Tarantino’s career.
I wonder just how many DVDs and Blu Rays actually carry the tag line Inspired QT?
It’s alot. Koch dedicated a whole series called “Westerns Unchained”
I did wonder about that. I didn’t know when that line was released though. Thanks for confirming it El Davido!
They’re all amazing releases, maybe except for Last of the Badman that suffers from bad audio.
Koch is a superb brand. They released a great quality line of Hammer horrors, picture and sound were great. The Blu Rays with extras have out done them though.
I have been meaning to invest more in Koch’s SW line but Arrow Blu Rays are serious competition for my wallet!
Last of the Bad Men, I don’t think I have heard of that one.
So I am working on a new SWDb list based on the Podcast episode 32 in partiular, but would love everyone’s input also taking into account this topic on what to remove and what to additionally include
The soft-core version of One Dollar of Fire called One Dollar of Love is very rare also!
please elaborate, that’s not even in the database
I could have sworn $2000 for Coyote was on some gray market dvd set??
And Challenge of the MacKennas has an old Swedish and Spanish tapes, although they aren’t in the DB
It is One Dollar of Fire with soft-core inserts. It has a few scenes included that are not in my copy of One Dollar of Fire. The title I have seen it under is Pour 1 Dollar D’Amour (French- Translates to For 1 Dollar of Love) . I haven’t seen it in ages, so I can’t really remember much about it!
We need to fix that, can you dig up info on them?
I just saw that in the threads for each film, haven’t actually seen the tapes myself
Yea we need to do some more research to see if we can kick out a few more. But not counting gray market stuff
These are from my personal collection
His Colt, Himself, His Revenge. Greek x-rental, AVC
Challenge of the MacKennas. Swedish X-rental
Pokerface. Danish X-rental
Shoot Joe Shoot Again. Greek X-rental, AVC
Clumsy Hands. South Africa, Impact Video
Cool, will have to put them all in.
The above linked site/liste, I just got done finishing up all the images. We should still have a closer look and weed some out or add some more. So feedback is greatly appreciated, before we scream it from the rooftops