The rarest of the rare

So what do you think ladies and gents, which SWs are the hardest to get and are “The Holy Grail” of completists? Here are few that i think might fit the description [correct me if i’m wrong]: A Rope for a Bastard, Tara Pokì, Porno erotico western, Blood Church, Let’s go and kill Sartana. Any more of them? Maybe we can find some of them thanks to our forum members.

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This is the one that had a starting price of £349 on ebay that Ennioo spotted - you had your chance Brother alch0!

I’m not sure how rare this one is - and I would hate this great idea for a thread to disolve into an “I want…” thread, but I’ve not come across this one yet and it has an appeal. I like Weissers review of it (and hold onto the believe that it’s correct) - but my earliest experiences with sws - Loredana Nusciak/Django, and the more recent LN (again)/Vengeance for Vengeance, and still… a "sweaty Elizabeth Eversfield/Vengeance Trail have left me with a predaliction for the odd whipping :P(oh my dear Lord).
Saguaro/Sapevano Solo Uccidere is a must-have for me.
This poster says why …

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Adios Laredo

A 1968 West German production
Producer: Gunther Dremmler
Director: Gunther Dremmler

Supposedly his widow has the only copy of the film.

Maybe the Reverend can romance her.

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Dremmler wasn’t much of a director to be honest. I’ve seen some of his James Bond parodies and he also did dreadful sex comedies, all of them with alcoholic Michael Fräser as the leading man. It is rumoured that Fräser was paid in booze, which seems likely as Dremmler’s film look cheaper than $2 whores. He also shot jungle flicks in Bavarian forests, probably back to back with this entry in his Laredo series, starring Wulfgar Von Schnautzer. (Fräser died because of an alcohol related falling incident). At least that’s what I assume as the cast lists are entirely the same. There is a Spanish print of this though. A little less rare, but still pretty unfindable is the supposedly horrendous Von Laredo kam der Tod, also shot in 1968. A sleeper of a horror western, or so it says in the encyclopedia of German b films written by Harald Weisser. Dremmler died tragically in 1981 in Mexico. He was mistaken for a bigtime Hollywood hotshot and kidnapped. When the bandits found out he was only the German Ed Wood, and one of the kidnappers actually had seen one of his terrible films, he was gangraped and repeatedly shot in the face. Dremmler’s wife Eva inherited a lot of debts and all of the original prints of her husband’s films. She went on to become romantically involved with Demofilo Fidani, who was inspired by Dremmler’s work a whole lot. It is rumoured that Fidani carbon copied a lot of story lines and camera angles directly from Dremmler. In order to remain credible as a director, Fidani urge Dremmler’s widow to burn the prints. It is unknown if she did so. Maybe somebody can pay her a visit, as she lives in Münich today, where she caretakes the Dremmler museum of obscure movies. In case you’re wonering, yes he is related to former football player Wolfgang Dremmler. They were twin brothers. As no one could keep them apart, it is hard to say who did what and who actually died. Fact is that Wolfgang played some terrible matches, where as it looked as if he had never even kicked a ball. However, it is safe to say that neither of the brothers were good film directors.

blah blah, I could go on forever…

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Interesting and informative reading Bad Lieutenant.

…Welcome to the wonderful world of Spaghetti Westerns!


Heehee. An uphill climb even in the best of circumstances…

Very interesting post BL

Dremmler should’ve filmed his own life, preferably after his own death
Moses dies in Exodus too, and is still often called the author of the book, so don’t tell me I cannot be done

We can still be lucky that Schwarzenbeck didn’t have a twin brother

I find it a shame really. Picture this guy with a cowboy hat. He would have easily outshined Wulfgar Von Schnautzer in Dremmler’s Laredo trilogy (or were there four Laredo’s?).

A pretty crazy price! Anyway that’s probably the only time i’ve seen it anywhere, so i think it counts. Anyone seen it? And did anyone seen “Tara poki”?

Thanks Bad Lieutenant. Being a North American gringo I knew nothing about the Dremmler twins and wife Eva until your fantastic post. I guess we can blame Gunther Dremmler for Fidani’s dreadful films. Thanks for the valuable information. Now if we can find someone to go make a call on Eva maybe we can still rescue “Adios Laredo”. Hilarious if it were to star Dino Strano and the rest of the Fidani gang.

Yeah I agree…thanks BL. All this background info is very bloody interesting. Keep it up good buddy.

Oh hell yeah! Let’s write it in the wikipedia! ;D :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

uh… how about the SWDB instead :wink:

Yes, ridiculous. I would ask the seller to bring the price down because not even a completists will touch it for that money.

Former forum member Tom has the same tape of Wyoming Connection. He made a dvdr of it an traded it with cinecity and said it will become available next week or so for 20 euro on dvdr.

20 euro for a DVD R ???.

Yep, at least that’s what Tom said. Ridiculous indeed.