The Masters

hahaha I love his cartoonish style of point and shoot like a watergun ;D

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yul bryner= master of bold actors

wiliam berger= master of doublecrossers

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the good the bad and the ugly= master of points!

Giuliano Gemma = The Master of Smiling :smiley:

Terence Hill and Franco Nero = The Masters of Bluest Eyes


Mark Damon - The master of saving Django, by not being cast!


We certainly dodged a bullet with that, didn’t we? I enjoy the odd Mark Damon spaghetti western but a serious avenger type he is not.


Lorenzo Robledo - the master of ‘The most recognisable and frequent SW character actor’


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I used to use a pic of Lorenzo as my avatar for some years back in the day. And I’m pretty sure I started a thread similar to the guess a movie screenshot one called something like Where’s Lorenzo? where I’d post a screenshot of the man himself and folk had to guess the film. Fun times

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I seem to remember that thread, Phil. As you said…‘fun times’. :cowboy_hat_face:

Benito Stefanelli - il maestro actor, stunt-arranger… not forgetting many more stunt-men and character-actors who made the SW’s so darned memorable…

Benito is one of the many faces that came to represent the genre that we love. :cowboy_hat_face:

