The Man Who Came to Kill / Doc, Hands of Steel / L’uomo dalla pistola d’oro / Doc, manos de plata (Alfonso Balcázar, 1965)

Yes, November '65 is right.

The rating was VM14, confirmed on appeal ‘‘per le numerose scene di esasperata violenza e per la insistenza compiaciuta con cui si mettono in evidenza atti di estrema crudeltà e di gravi sevizie’’.

Decided to re-watch this after falling asleep the last time and really enjoyed it. I can see this had the potential to be an even better film with but overall, it’s worth a watch. I have a widescreen TV print if anybody is interested in a trade. It’s better than the official DVD.

IMDb is right about the Italian release date of Warlock: public showing was authorized on April 15, 1959 (film length 3328 metres).

Grazie, JonathanCorbett.

Is this the movie where he says
“Bad men live on that hill. The badder you are the higher you live. I live on the tippy tippy top”

Last one for today… This film’s database page has been updated to the new layout. Please help us improve it by contributing information or material.

Credits page has been created for L’ Uomo dalla pistola d’oro (Doc, Hands of Steel)

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Copied from the Spagvemberfest 2023 thread:

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