The Last Western You Watched?

Watched Forgotten Pistolero last night after getting off work. LOVE the score on this one.

VERA CRUZ is one of my all-time favorite Westerns…of any type! Great stuff…especially for the time it was made.

Last night, and earlier today, I rewatched GOD FORGIVES–I DON’T!, STRANGER IN TOWN, and TOMBSTONE. All personal faves.

Alfonso Balcázar: Clint the Stranger[url][/url] (dvd)
-What a crap film, lame attempt to copy the lamest western ever made, Shane. This one looks like a Hollywood b-western from 50’s almost without any spaghetti feel. Fernando Sancho is the only thing which reminded me that I’m actually watching a sw. One of the worsts! >:(

Watched Dead Men from jim jarmusch with Johny depp.

Quite strange black and white western with great characters. It says on the cover to be an anti-western whatever this is. but it has a great atmosphere and is a fun watch. Violent and grimmy.
One bad guy is a bit of a cannibal and could have been perfectly played by klaus kinski.
recommended if you like strange movies. any body has seen this one??

[quote=“valenciano, post:1244, topic:141”]Watched Dead Men from jim jarmusch with Johny depp.

Quite strange black and white western with great characters. It says on the cover to be an anti-western whatever this is. but it has a great atmosphere and is a fun watch. Violent and grimmy.
One bad guy is a bit of a cannibal and could have been perfectly played by klaus kinski.
recommended if you like strange movies. any body has seen this one??[/quote]
I’ve seen it and absolutely loved it! One of my favourite non-spaghetti westerns. Jim Jarmush is a very good director and all of his movies i’ve seen so far were interesting.

I agree! A long time ago, when DEAD MAN was first released, there was an interview (online) with Jarmusch wherein he stated that his film was inspired to some degree by Questi’s DJANGO KILL. I have tried to relocate this interview many times over the past several years, but have not been successful.

Though it is an arguable point, Jarmusch feels like I do regarding DJANGO KILL.
He feels it was the tale of a dead man (Milian) in purgatory. Even the outlaws are dead (they died of thirst in the desert before reaching “the town”).
For me, looking at Questi’s film in this light is the only way the movie really works. If I watch with this premise in mind…I find it to be very good. If I just watch it as a straight-forward SW tale, it fails.

But, back to DEAD MAN…it is a good movie, indeed!

Oh yeah, the last Western I watched was Lawrence Kasdan’s WYATT EARP with Kevin Costner.
I had seen it before, but they were showing it at a restaurant in Tombstone, AZ last night.
The more I see this movie…the more I really dislike it!!
Boring. And they don’t really handle the historical aspects of the Tombstone portion of the story well, at all. Actually, they don’t handle ANY aspects very well, at all.

[quote=“Chris_Casey, post:1246, topic:141”]Oh yeah, the last Western I watched was Lawrence Kasdan’s WYATT EARP with Kevin Costner.
I had seen it before, but they were showing it at a restaurant in Tombstone, AZ last night.
The more I see this movie…the more I really dislike it!!
Boring. And they don’t really handle the historical aspects of the Tombstone portion of the story well, at all. Actually, they don’t handle ANY aspects very well, at all.[/quote]
I feel the same way about it. “Tombstone” is a way superior to this one (another one of my faves actually).

Absoultely, amigo! I knew there was something about you I liked!

TOMBSTONE is one of the best Westerns of all-time.

That’s another proof that great minds think alike :wink:

Yup, Tombstone kicks ass over Costner’s version for sure. Unfortunately I have a couple co-workers who loved Costner’s film and it’s been the source of many an argument since !!!

I will say though that Dennis Quaid was a passable Doc Holliday…not nearly as good as Val Kilmer, but not bad.

One of the things I’ve always found annoying about a Costner film is the length…he seems to think every film he makes is an epic and needs to be 2-3 hours in length…bah!!!

“Rough Night In Jericho” (1967)
-Dean Martin, George Peppard

A former deputy and a strong-willed widow determine to stop a ruthless town boss.

Well made movie. Good plot, good acting, Good action and it was interesting to Dean Martin as a villain.

“For A Few Dollars More”


La collera del vento aka Revenge of Trinity. Stated as being a comedy on the back of the On Air-dvd I purchased but let’s get it straight this is NOT a comedy.

Terence Hill plays a hitman who assasinates whomever the highest bidder want taken care of. This leads him to a small village where the land owners want a bubbling workers’ ‘revolution’ taken care of before it gets out their hands by killing specific targets. Now its up to Hill if he (and his kid brother) are to continue their ill-doing or take some responsibility for their actions.

Didn’t expect much but was very entertained. A nice movie with a nice soundtrack and fine actors. Recommended!

[quote=“valenciano, post:1244, topic:141”]Watched Dead Men from jim jarmusch with Johny depp.

Quite strange black and white western with great characters. It says on the cover to be an anti-western whatever this is. but it has a great atmosphere and is a fun watch. Violent and grimmy.
One bad guy is a bit of a cannibal and could have been perfectly played by klaus kinski.
recommended if you like strange movies. any body has seen this one??[/quote]Yes, one of my favorites too. It really has some similarities with Django Kill! They both have strange, surreal feel.

Dead man has also one of the best soundtracks ever! Neil Young’s music is just perfect.

‘Lo chiamavano King’

Not bad but not really good also. Quite hard SW featuring Richard Harrison and Klaus Kinski.

Overall just average stuff at the most !!! Kinski’s great though but unfortunately appears not very often.

[quote=“Bluntwolf, post:1255, topic:141”]‘Lo chiamavano King’

Not bad but not really good also. Quite hard SW featuring Richard Harrison and Klaus Kinski.

Overall just average stuff at the most !!! Kinski’s great though but unfortunately appears not very often.[/quote]

I haven’t seen this but love the theme song, ever since I started playing Red Dead Revolver.

Where did you find this movie?

The Moment To Kill.
Veru good, entertaining movie. I thought Bull was very likable character and Horst Frank made great, crazy villain. I have to mention 2 great scenes - the one when Frank’s character is being taken out of town, everybody’s laughing at him and he responds with a manic, out-of-control laughter and the scene when Bull kills the guy who was beating him up in a very inventive way :wink:

[quote=“alk0, post:1257, topic:141”]The Moment To Kill.
Veru good, entertaining movie. I thought Bull was very likable character and Horst Frank made great, crazy villain. I have to mention 2 great scenes - the one when Frank’s character is being taken out of town, everybody’s laughing at him and he responds with a manic, out-of-control laughter and the scene when Bull kills the guy who was beating him up in a very inventive way ;)[/quote]
Where did you get your Moment to kill from?

Yes, one of my favorites !!! :slight_smile: :smiley: :slight_smile:

From Jerksi.