The Last Western You Watched? ver.2.0

I very enjoyed almost every one…except Cjmango (that I think it’s HORRIBLE) and The longest hunt…Guns for dollars and Don’t Turn the Other Cheek are pretty fun (I didn’t expected too much), Sartana does not forgive is a little bit simple but a perfect example of spaghetti western, the same as I want him dead (but in this case, better)…for me, the best film I watched is Dead men doesn’t count

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I am jealous. I really want a decent copy of DEAD MEN DON’T COUNT. CJMANGO is bad I forked out £23 for that turkey! :angry:
I haven’t seen DON’T TURN THE OTHER CHEEK. With the actors involved it sounds a lot of fun.

The German DVD with English audio is still available, and not expensive. The image is not great, but ok, it was for me good enough.

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C’mon, the REAL bad copys are the Spanish copys of almost every Spaghetti, we don’t even respect our own patrimony, so please, don’t complain…Hahaha

You have been ripped off, sorry!

It’s fun. Eli Wallach does his typical mexican role (pretty similar to Tuco), Franco Nero does his typical ‘foreign’ role (pretty similar to his roles in Los Compañeros and The Mercenary). Two guys searching for a treasure in the middle or the revolution, nothing new but just enough fun to pass a good time. The only bad thing is that is a little bit longer (more than the film needs, in my opinion, 10/15 min less would be better)…

I don’t know if there are cut edits of this film in the English version. I watched it in Spanish with some scenes in Italian with no subs (fortunately, Italian and Spanish are not so different, and I could understand everything by ear). The version that I watched is 1 hour and 50 minutes long.

Thanks Stanton!

I have only seen DEAD MEN ON TV. It was horrible quality. :dizzy_face: Especially for someone who is photosensitive.
CJMANGO was the Wild East DVD. That didn’t help the overall quality of the film though! :poop:

I have been a bit sceptical of this SW due to some supposed lightheartedness, but I liked Mark Damon in Requiescant and Johnny Yuma (but less in Johnny Oro) so 15 euro including shipping and arrival Friday just seemed as a reasonable alternative when you have relatively little left to explore (of probable very good SWs in official releases).

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Marchent’s films are mostly not that interesting for me, but this one and Garringo are good.

DEAD MEN DON’T COUNT belongs indeed to the more self-ironic type of Spags, but there is enough violence and typical SW gunplay left for those who want their spags only dirty and nasty.
Funnily while Steffen was imo never convincing as stiff Eastwood imitator, he was quite good and lively in his few lighter and self-ironic roles. Makes this one his best role (and film) next to Last Train to Durango.

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I always thought that Last Train to Durango was a bad movie (I never watched it)…I will check it

I think a dark mood is usually most important in these B- or C-films which not necessarily needs very much outright violence.
On the other hand I watched my highest ranked SW FAFDM yesterday and its mood is not that overall dark but anyway very very good entertainment for many reasons.

It will be interesting to watch Steffen here, but I found him OK in his stiffer mode in for example No Room To Die and Garringo since the movies overall was good enough.

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Train for Durango is an underrated movie, like several others which are too often despised for some comedy elements.
It is a good mixture, and Caiano’s best genre contribution.

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I think we all had been there :grin: I remember doing two or three spaghs per day back in my wilder days.

I never understood why some people like it, for me it’s like 1/10. And headache.

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FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE has always been my favourite Runner and I agree, it isn’t particularly dark. I prefer JOHNNY ORO to JOHNNY YUMA. I can’t give a heavy critique about it. ORO just appeals to me more.

I love Cjamango!

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Soz mate. but I was very disappointed with it. And the expense probably made it worse. But each to their own. SOME DOLLARS FOR DJANGO is one of my favourite Spags. Never seen it come up on a top 20.
On saying that. It was YEARS ago since I watched CJMANGO. It might be time for a rewatch as my attitude to the genre has changed. For example I used to hate the comedy Spags but I appreciate them a lot more.

Cjamango is just very, very mediocre.

There’s tons of Spags much worse than Cjamango in my opinion, I find it to be very enjoyable. Solid stuff. I am a bit biased though because I really like all of Mulargia’s westerns, top 5 Director for me.


What other what are the other Mulargia spaghetti westerns ElDavido?

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What did we expect from a movie called Cjamango (Pronounced ‘Yamango’, suspiciously similar to the pronounciation of Django)?

Of course, there are worse spaghettis, it’s not a Demofilo Fidani film.

Cjamango is a spaghetti with all the standards and the cliche of the genre (maybe taken to the extreme) and you could enjoy it just for that (I recognize that the final gunfight is not so bad), but it has some fails of directing, editings and above all, acting. Every damn actor of the film done it in the worst possible way, Cjamango, the woman, the old man and the fucking child crying all time ‘CJAMANGOOO’. It’s a passable film but I think I could enjoy even more with friends and some beers, It’s the kind of film that we could laugh about it.

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Cjamango is well directed, like all Mulargia Spags (apart from the fidanesque Brother Outlaw), and I like the lead, but there are enough flaws to make it, well not a bad film, but a lesser one by Mulargia.