The Last Movie You Watched? ver.2.0

Norris’ best film by far! Fantastic stuff

Of course, it was the 4K restoration by Arrow.


Cannon For Cordoba with George Peppard and Aldo Sambrell


Getting rather excited there, Brian. Calm yourself down. I’m not going to argue with you on the SWDB, so I’ll not be responding any further here on the forum. Google “Trump’s violent rhetoric” or “Jan 6 2021 Insurrection”, you’ll find several of the examples you were demanding of me (including dedicated Wikipedia entries on each subject), IF you want to acknowledge them which, looking at your outburst, seems unlikely. If you don’t think the Jan 6 insurrection was violent or was whipped up by Trump then that’s up to you. I hold out zero hope for changing your mind on Trump, but you won’t change mine either.

You said “Nothing against you personally” but, rather than respectfully disagreeing with me, you’ve chosen to dismiss my opinion altogether by dubbing it “manufactured Trump hysteria”. Sounds quite personal to me. Sounds pretty insulting, tbh. And, tbh (again), your massive rant at my remark seems to me to be the very definition of manufactured Trump hysteria, though of course not the kind with which you were dismissing me. And since you have dismissed my opinion as nothing more than manufactured Trump hysteria, why are you getting so animated about it?

Brian, I documented MY experience watching that film. When/if you watch it, perhaps the scenes of America in a burning, war-torn mess will make you think of Antifa and BLM and the evil left, and you might want to write about that if that’s what you took from it. I promise you I won’t have a meltdown if you do. It’ll be YOUR experience.


I am so animated about it because it is just tired and boring. Newsflash for you. Trump is no longer president and hasn’t been for years now. So, why continue to bring him up?

But the main reason that I am so animated is that this is typically a nice safe place to get away from all the bullshit political commentary - an escape - so I do become quite irritated when people bring it to the surface here as a way to try to make themselves feel “edgy” or “intellectual”. This is supposed to be about a love for spaghetti westerns and actual intelligent discussion on the issues they bring to light.

As far as me doing the research to back up your ridiculous “violent rhetoric” statement? That isn’t my place. You’re the one that made the statement so if you can’t provide specific examples, then that is on you. That seems to be the favorite tactic these days. Make a statement but then force others to try to prove how you are “right” because you can’t provide the evidence to back up your own statement. That would like me saying, “You know what, there is a scene where you can see a spacecraft and little green men in Django.” To which the reply would be, “There is? Where?” Followed by, “That isn’t my place to tell you. Go watch the movie and find them yourself.”

January 6th? What specifically did he do to incite that? I don’t recall him telling people to storm the Capitol Building. As a matter of fact, he did the exact opposite. Of course, the media has tried to lay it off on him but has yet to supply any evidence in anything he said.

As I say, I personally don’t like the man. I am just tired of the Banana Republic politicians and their Pravda-like media indoctrinating people such as yourself then having you repeat these statements without doing a deep dive of the accusations for yourself. Especially when they do it to cover up the fact that the world is literally falling apart around us.

“Ignore what your eyes and ears are telling you about how the world is going to hell in a handbasket. That isn’t important right now because Orange Man is bad!”


Brian. Private message or not at all. :+1:


I was in the middle of watching,

… but this little squabble is better!


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Don’t you bloody start! :grinning:

I’m trying to concentrate on the last episode of Fallout on Amazon Prime, and I think I’ve missed a shitload of crucial exposition. Cheers, Lanky Gringo! (only kidding Bri, can’t blame you for my inability to concentrate on more than one thing at a time. That’s just where I’m a male. We don’t multitask! :slightly_smiling_face:)

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I like movies

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Shoot the Living, Pray for the Dead might be the best ever made!


You’re a man with a name AND logic!

Some recent watches that were good (for full rundown as always check my letterboxd)
Boiling Point was impressive
A Place in the Sun an excellent classic I saw for the first time.
Withnail and I. Also first time, how come it had eluded me so far… , it was brilliant.
Land of Bad was actually quite good, perfect evening blockbuster type movie, well made actioner.
Posse (Peebles), also the first time I watched it, a lot better than I expected. Must watch.
Also recently rewatched both of the French Connections.
The White Buffalo is still a trashy one, but tons of stuff that can be talked about.
Stars at Noon I found a really interesting take on the genre.


Milk Money (1994)

Not the first time I’ve watched it but I always enjoy it. Not sure why it received mostly negative reviews.

Curious about the upcoming western of van Peebles

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A few more from 1947 for me. These ones all American crime films which fit nicely into the Noir category and are all very well worth a watch if you’re that way inclined. I really enjoyed them all.

Framed (Wallace / 7/10)
Kiss of Death (Hathaway 7/10)
Lady From Shanghai (Welles 8/10)

Framed and LFS are both classic noir tales of a guy being set up by a ruthless dame and both deliver but LFS stands out as something more and is still visually stunning after all these years and copy cats. Apparently, Welles’ original cut was an hour longer than the one we know and love. Tampered with and heavily cut or not, I suspect I would always prefer this version to anything longer. I think Welles’ genius was alway better when reined in.

Kiss of Death is really nice piece and notable for being Richard Widmark’s first film. He turns in a tour de force too as the slimy punk hoodlum with a dumb laugh. It’ll be a while before I forget his sneering delivery. “You’re a big maaan.”
Also some really nice location shooting by the way.

All good stuff.


Not sure if there was ever a bigger star more reined in than Orson Welles. Other than Citizen Kane, there aren’t many complete examples of what he intended, whether it be due to studio intervention or his inability to fully fund his projects.

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The Lady from Shanghai is an excellent film despite all the interference.

‘THE DEERHUNTER’ (1978) Directed by Michael Cimino

I watched this yesterday; and, as always, I was totally engrossed for the three hour running time, and left emotionally drained by the end…
An excellent anti-war film of staggering power and scope, that thoroughly deserved the Best Picture award it received.

All the actors/actresses are excellent, but Robert De Niro excels in what I still regard as his finest performance on screen…while Christopher Walken is no less impressive and engaging as an everyday man whose mind is torn apart by the Vietnam War and its horrendous circumstances.


Riders of Justice (Jensen / 2020)

If you’ve never seen a Anders Thomas Jensen film then this recent one is as good a place to start. I’ve seen a few now and he may very well have become my favourite director working today. All his films are so bizarre yet have their own internal logic and are super funny as well as (usually) randomly violent. They always seem to centre on socially awkward individuals coming together in a weird alliance. Men & Chicken was my first trip with Jensen, then Green Butchers and this one is just as good. Highly recommended.

Oh, and they all star Mads Mikkelsen so what more could you want.


So I did I caved in and watched this legendarily infamous film and honestly I got something out of it lol!


I do not even know how to justify the fact that I kinda liked this movie other then saying you can do far worse when it comes to watching sword and sandal/historical epics from the 1950s like this on a lazy afternoon day!

I mean hell I would rather re-watch this one several times over then ever watch something like John Wayne’s “the green berets” a second time!
This is comically miscast for sure but I think that in the act of the ridiculous and problematic casting of John Wayne as Genghis Khan is so absurd that it is oddly compelling!

This is the kind of old Hollywood studio film schlock I am honestly amazed kino lorber hasn’t put out on Blu-ray at the time of this writing!
IDK my brain is fried from watching this and coming out not surprisingly not hating it!